Sweden to Remove Ancient History to Teach Women's Studies and Postmodernism

Well, I suppose that we can never fully understand why our governments engage war. :man_shrugging:

You know, the founding fathers of the USA knew very well that governments are not to be trusted wholeheartedly.

Thatā€™s why they made sure that the citizens rights will be protected against the government abuse of power, electoral college and power to the State governments being two prime examples.

And thatā€™s why liberals and the banking establishment wanted to destroy the Constitution and they have been very successful.

Yes, they did, but Americans have accepted what Washington tells them forever. :man_shrugging:

Well, who can know for certain. Do you recall Wesley Clarkā€™s list?

Donā€™t be so smug to think that life is predictable that you are always safe and secure in your idealism as the possibilities that you could find yourself at the end of noose swinging from a tree as a result of collateral damage from a cultural insurrection someday is also just as unpredictable! Careful what you wish for as Karma is funny that way!

If Americans REALLY cared, they would vote accordingly. Given the static nature of USFP, itā€™s hard to know who is actually running it, and why itā€™s being pursued as it isā€¦:man_shrugging:

So to the op directly, this is the consequences of poor policies.

Seven countries in five yearsā€¦
Actually, the list included Somalia which is not even an Arab country.
The list was prepared long before 911.

And pursued by Bush, Obama and now Trump administrations. Any idea how such policy can transcend administrations like that???:thinking:

No. Trump is trying to get out of it.
Interesting that the US Navy, Air Force, Army and Marines are not the same entities. Some are more supportive of Trump, depending on who their generals are.

BS, first of all, when have you heard Trump even talk about Somalia and Yemen? He probably doesnā€™t even know whatā€™s going on in those two countryā€™s. And you donā€™t need to try to stop bombing countries, especially when there is neither congressional or UN authorization to do soā€¦

Trump did talk about Somalia when he said shithole countries.

Forget the UN. They are the Deep State, just on the outside.

Yes, itā€™s a good idea to stop bombing and killing innocent people by drones. Itā€™s the Zionist faction doing it and Trump is having a hard time to rein in.

Come on Didge, donā€™t be such an apologist for Trump. He can build a wall you say, bring us the best economy in US history, force NATO to pay their fair share, move the embassy to Jerusalem, make Mexico deal with their own immigration, get NoKo to stop building nukes, break Chinaā€™s economy and bake the prettiest chocolate cake youā€™ve ever seenā€¦but he canā€™t stop bombing Somalia and Yemenā€¦ he can fire anybody he wants to at the Pentagon and state. In fact, a president has more unilateral power with regards to foreign policy than anywhere else. So why is it that neocons who put together the plan and list before Bush have been allowed to implement it through out the Republican and Democratic administrations of Bush, Obama and Trump???

Thatā€™s to keep Americans in, not so much to keep Latinos out.

Thatā€™s a fairy tale, I agree.

It has lost its raison dā€™etre. Only Zionists want it.

Thatā€™s a nasty move, I agree.

I recall it was the Clintons who helped North Korea to get nuclear. Basically NoKo is a branch of the New World Order, the Chinese style.

But he is not a dictator and there are many branches and sections that are working against him.

They are Zionist ā– ā– ā– ā–  with a fancy name.

Lol, ok Didge, hereā€™s the deal (Oh, and you forgot to address the chocolate cakeā€‹:rofl::rofl::rofl:) Trump can tell the pentagon and State to get the hell out of Yemen and Somalia, heā€™s in the chain of command as the chief, Commander in Chief, right. So you need to quit covering for Trump. He either doesnā€™t care that somebody else is running aspects of USFP, or he agrees with what theyā€™re doing.

Explain to me, Iā€™m not au courant.
I donā€™t watch TV, you know.

It was a larkā€¦:rofl:

To the rest of my post???

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Swedish museum have already melted down Viking artefacts they are crazy countries