Survival Thread

This thread is dedicated to prepping and survival subjects.

Share what you think your plan is for surviving a post Apocalyptic world where food is going to be scarce, viable drinking water hard to find and the lack of “Rule of law” will be the norm or non existent. What are you ideas in obtaining the bare necessities for survival?

He has a point!


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I would think having drinkable drinking water takes first priority

For that reason, it might be more economical to get a filtering system (which does not require electricity). I used to have one, and now I may have to get a new one.

I don’t know who said it; Leave a man without food for two days, he will steal food. Leave a man without food for a week, he will murder for food.

Man withou water will probaly have no energy to steal or murder. He might drink anything and get seriously ill.

If you happen to have a well, communal or otherwise, you may have to guard it carefully, because researchers say some groups systematically poisoned (or rather infected) wells throughout Europe to spread the black death (bubonic plague).


This is a good plan, and has a 25 year shelf life! Get it now!

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Humans can’t survive long without water, which makes it a top priority in the survival process to put it nicely!

When I am long remote hikes I take tablets with m me just in case I get desperate and need a quick fix to purify some water.

What kind of tablets and what do they do?
Do they kill bacteria in water?

Maybe you can carry a small, portable water filter and use both of them. In lake and river water, there can be small parasites called giardia as well as amoeba. They are both nasty. Animals can tolerate them, seems like, but we humans can’t.

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“Potable Aqua”. I usually take these with me for camping and when I am on hikes. It takes care of all the symptoms that you just mentioned

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