Not for me, I’ve opposed Clinton as long as they’ve been in national politics and looked forward to Trump locking her up. Unfortunately, before he could even be inaugurated he informed his base that he never intended such a thing, he simply viewed it as good campaign rhetoric to keep you guys wound up. And it worked, snicker.
As long as she’s out of the game is good enough for me. She will stumble through life trying to ride on whatever pathetic laurels she has. I hope she live a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong life of reflecting.
The “lock her up” chants have never ended at Trump Rally’s, obviously it’s not good enough for much of his base. Funny how they got duped on that one too…
Constitutional Republic.
So, yes we are.
No, Trump’s thinking on the issue “evolved” just as Obama’s did on same sex marriage and the power of executive orders to grant amnesty to illegal aliens.
No, it did not evolve. At the first rally after his election, before he was even inaugurated, when the rally goers started chanting, “lock her up”, he said no no, that was just for the campaign, we don’t care about that now.
It was all nothing more than campaign rhetoric to gin up votes and it worked…
In the 1992 Presidential election Bill Clinton was elected with a plurality not a majority, of the popular vote. Clinton received less than half the votes cast. Last I checked he is a Democrat.
In a three way race. But never in a two way race. Of course you can get less than half the vote in a three race and still win.
That’s not what you claimed. There was no qualification of only 2 way races in your statement. The simple fact is Democrat Bill Clinton’s election in 1992 exposes your ignorance.
Are you proud of yourself for calling someone ignorant. That’s apropos to the Trumper. Like big Trump like little Trumper. Name calling and personal insults is what you guys excel at. Since Clinton won MORE of the popular vote than anyone else, he won the presidency. No democratic candidate has lost a majority of the popular vote, and won the presidency. But republicans have done so 5 times.
From YOUR post you seem to have mastered name calling.
Why are you here?
You contribute little provide nothing but your opinion???
And you are WAY off topic.
There you go again, pearl clutching while riding your favorite hobby horse, Orange man bad.
You repeat the ignorant claim that no Democrat has ever been elected President while losing the majority of the popular vote. Yet, the simple arithmetic of Bill Clinton’s election despite having more votes cast for other candidates is cruel and insulting.
Bill Clinton won a majority of the vote in that race. Why don’t you look at the numbers and tell me who got a bigger percentage of the vote hmmm?
Why don’t you look up the difference between majority and plurality, hmmm?
Bill Clinton didn’t win a majority of the votes with 42%. My old school arithmetic tells me that means 58% of the votes were cast for other candidates. Clinton the Democrat lost the majority but won the Presidency thanks to the EC.
Of course there was no equivalent to the Resistance claiming Clinton’s Presidency was illegitimate because he lost the popular vote nor were Democrats whining about abolishing the EC due to it electing a President on a minority of votes.
Clinton received MORE of the popular vote than any other candidate. That’s fair winning.
Your claim is that no Democrat had won the Presidency after losing the majority of the popular vote. But when it’s pointed out Clinton won the Presidency with more votes cast for other candidates, the majority gets perverted into 42%.
Trump received 46% of the popular vote in 2016, a significantly higher percentage than Bill Clinton. Where is the standard of legitimacy? With Clinton it was 42% but with Trump 46% is insufficient.
You make wild claims disparaging Republicans without knowing if they are true then deny the truth when the falsehood is exposed.
Clinton received the most votes and won. Tell me of an incident where a Democratic candidate received LESS votes than a Republican, yet won the presidency???
Are you laboring under the mistaken belief only Democrats and Republicans run for the Presidency? Oh wait, only Democrat votes ought to count.
No but unfortunately they’re all that matters.
It is a mute point.
The Electoral College is what we are based upon, not popular vote.
I cannot quite understand why people think we are a democracy.