Supreme Court Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Clinic Law

Here we go again! The SC has further enhanced abortion/legalized murder by
striking down a medical residency regulation.In the famous book, Freak Economics,the author points out,that abortion clinics where nothing more,than a disguised CRIME STOPPERS!

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Fking Roberts again!

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USA number one butcher
Chief Justice Roberts

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When Thomas is the only one !

That asshole worked in Burns Harbor Steel plant years ago , the union there rubbed off on him so did the anti- republican attitude . Fuck him put a giant D next to his name !!!

How the fk did he get nominated? Either he fooled everyone or GW is fking moron! Or maybe both!

Yep a fucking moron !!!

I didn’t vote for that asshole, but I did enjoy working for Rumsfeld.

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