Supreme Court Blocks NY Covid Religious Restriction

SCOTUS blocks restrictions imposed in New York limiting numbers at religious services

Late on the Wednesday, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to block restrictions on the number of people allowed at religious services in New York. Restrictions had been imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The case was brought forward by Catholic and Hebrew gr In a 5-4 ruling, Supreme Court sides with religious groups in a dispute over Covid-19 restrictions in New York - KVIAoups.


Can’t have those pesky religious groups interfering with Strip clubs and Casinos now!

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LMAO! Very funny! Strip clubs are surely a priority business!

It’s a shame it was a close 5-4.

In the late-night decision, Barrett sided with her conservative colleagues in the dispute, while Chief Justice John Roberts joined the three liberal justices in dissent. The ruling underscores Barrett’s impact on the bench, reflecting the Court’s rightward shift.

Good for Barrett. Typical of Roberts.


I turned on the TV this morning and the local leftist news was talking about this…whining that this is what we can expect with ACB on the bench.

John Roberts dissented like the liberal he is.

As well as POT to calm the asses. Of course the states liv the taxes generated by POT.

A minor setback. We will correct this when we pack the court.

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Can’t pack the courts since you failed to pack Congress, dumbass.

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Bwahaha. Stick that up your nipples, Cuomosexual!

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I have said for quite awhile now that Chief Justice Roberts does not really belong with the conservative bloc; the split is really more like 5-3-1 (with Roberts as the swing vote–just as Anthony Kennedy once was), rather than a solid 6-3

For the record, Roberts voted with the minority here.

Got to get the senate to make that happen…:wink: