Support for Trump border wall sets record: poll : ‘There Will be No Additional Appropriations to Pay for Border Wall. It is Done’

Buckle up, this is going to get nasty.

( - Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D.-N.Y.) said on the Senate floor on Thursday that there will be no funding for President Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border because the Democrats in Congress will never allow it.

“I want to be crystal clear. There will be no additional appropriations to pay for the border wall. It is done,” Schumer said.

“The President’s position on the wall is totally contradictory, ill-informed, and frankly irresponsible,” Schumer said.

Schumer indicated that congressional Democrats would not agree to fund the border wall even if Trump “shutdown” the government to try to make them do it.

However, Congress has already enacted the appropriations bills to fund 75 percent of the federal government—including the Department of Defense—so it would not be possible at this point for either Congress or the president to shut down the entire government.

“President Trump has several ways to avoid a shutdown,” Schumer said. “He should pick one and soon, but if we wind up with a shutdown, it will be entirely the President’s fault.”

Here is the transcript of Schumer’s statement on the Senate floor telling the president the Democrats will not agree to fund a border wall:

Mr. President, we have just a little over a week to come to some agreement on how to fund the government past next Friday.

Leader Pelosi and I have given the President two options to keep the government open. Both are noncontroversial. Neither contain any Democratic demand. We just want to keep the government open. So far, President Trump has not accepted either offer. The President appears to be clinging to his demand for billions of dollars for a border wall, and from what we saw in the Oval Office and news reports about his reaction after our meeting, President Trump is willing to throw a temper tantrum and shut down the government unless he gets his way.

I want to be crystal clear. There will be no additional appropriations to pay for the border wall. It is done. The President repeatedly promised that Mexico would pay for his unnecessary and ineffective border wall, in his words, ‘100 percent.’ On Tuesday, he said he would be ‘proud’ to shut down the government unless U.S. taxpayers pay for it. Now, just this morning, the President tweeted that Mexico will pay for the wall the wall through savings from the new NAFTA. Well, Mr. President, if you say Mexico is going to pay for the wall through NAFTA—which it certainly will not—then I guess we don’t have to. Let’s fund the government.

Honestly, if the President really believed what he tweeted this morning, that his new NAFTA would pay for the wall, he wouldn’t be threatening to shut down the government unless American taxpayers fund his wall. He can’t have it both ways. The President’s position on the wall is totally contradictory, ill-informed, and frankly irresponsible. It is not a serious proposal. It is a throwaway idea the President used—used in the campaign and still uses—to fire up his base.

A Trump temper tantrum and shutdown threat isn’t going to change any minds in Congress. President Trump has several ways to avoid a shutdown. He should pick one and soon, but if we wind up with a shutdown, it will be entirely the President’s fault. President Trump himself would not dispute that in the Oval Office on Tuesday. He almost bragged that he would shut down the government—what irresponsibility.

I would just like to remind my friend the majority leader that if we arrive at a Trump shutdown, the onus for reopening the government will soon fall in his lap. When Democrats take control of the House in January, Democrats will pass one of our two options to fund the government, and then Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans will be left holding the bag for a Trump shutdown if they don’t pass our bill now.

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This is going to get very interesting. May be the biggest thing to blow up in the socialist democrats face to date.


Maybe , just maybe , the true Americans who are fed up with an immigration policy that encourages law breakers will finally let the dems know we want borders , ICE , walls ,and deportations !!

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Ahh, the sweet smell of egos clashing. :roll_eyes:

Trump was elected in part to control the borders and illegal immigration.

Schumer didn’t like being exposed and being made an ass out of in the press conference.

I hope Trump does shut it down. Let Schumer and Pelosi blink first.


Perhaps it’s time for a national demonstration.

Support for Trump border wall sets record: poll

Just 12 percent say Congress should focus on impeachment

By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Support for President Trump’s border wall hit a record high in a new Quinnipiac University poll Tuesday, but a majority of Americans still oppose the project, saying it’s a waste that isn’t needed to improve border security.

The poll found 43 percent do support the wall, but 54 percent oppose it and say it won’t help secure the southern boundary.

And the survey dealt a major blow to liberal activists’ hopes of impeaching Mr. Trump, with just 12 percent saying that should be Democrats’ top priority as they take the reins of the House in the new year.

Even among Democrats, just 19 percent said they want to see their party prioritize that over everything else.

Asked about a whole series of priorities, health care topped Democrats’ list with 31 percent saying they want that to be the focus, followed by the environment.

Among Republicans, immigration was the runaway winner, with 52 percent saying they wanted to see action.

The findings come as Mr. Trump is engaged in a shutdown showdown with congressional Democrats, seeking to win at least $5 billion in new money to continue expanding the fencing along the border.

Mr. Trump has eagerly cheered a shutdown, while members of Congress — both Democrats and Republicans — are generally unenthusiastic about a nasty disruption during the holiday season.

The Quinnipiac poll indicated that more Americans will blame the president and his party than Democrats, by 51 percent to 37 percent.

“A blunt holiday greeting card for President Donald Trump: Don’t build a border wall and don’t shut down the government to try to get it done,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the poll.

Support for the wall was just 33 percent in Quinnipiac’s polling in early 2017, as Mr. Trump took the reins of government after a long campaign of promising a border barrier.

It reached 40 percent in April, as an earlier migrant caravan stormed the U.S., then dipped over the summer. But with new caravans sitting on the border again testing the U.S. boundary, support for the wall rose to 43 percent in the latest survey.

Looks like Trump just lost the 2020 election.


Should be interesting to see if he can take less than 5 billion for construction and still get 5 billion in work done.

His mistake is not addressing the wall day 1.

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Why didn’t he? So much potential wasted.

Serious question: If Trump buckles here on the wall funding (as it appears), is it time to start looking for an alternative, if only to make the point this isn’t okay?

The only thing that has happened is plan Bs are being discussed in case he can’t bully the Dems into giving him anything on the wall. Note, the possible plan to avoid a shut down being discussed DOES include some wall funding from congress that would be supplemented with military money. If Trump is not able to get anything, the government WILL shut down like he said. What you’re seeing right now is preliminary negotiations. Stop sperging out.


So dozens of news sources are running that the white house is giving up on getting 5 billion and risking a shutdown. Due to a reporter asking Sanders if they’d accept numbers like 1.5 billion or 2.5 billion if they’re allowed to appropriate the rest from other department surplus.

Completely ignoring Trump himself and his main adviser going on TV 2 days ago saying they’re willing to shutdown.

Is this all there really is to this article? Fake outrage and low reading/speech comprehension.

It’s a great way to get the left engaged and scream for no deal.

p.s. every article is just like this on. Saw one nothing for the wall, 4.8 billion for Mexico, total garbage as nothing in the article was factual.


Shutdown the government. People are sick and tired of this can being kicked down the road since the Democrats hoodwinked Regan. If Trump can do one thing it is to get that wall built by standing his ground. Let Pelosi and Schumer blink.


The headlines just keep getting worse on this. I have really been trying to hold out hope. Not only is the wall NOT getting built because of the needed $5B in funding not being appropriated, but as it turns out we are giving $4.8B to Mexico.



Serious answer: yes.

Caution: Rocket scientists at work.

10 billion to Mexico and central American countries.

What a joke, sending billions to corrupt governments.

“The worst of times often create the best opportunities to make good deals.” - Trump’s the Art of the Deal. Lets see how the Trump admin. deals with this.

Donald’s artistic slats are all that stand between America and lowbrow immigrant chaos. If the American taxpayer has to fund it for it to happen, then every patriot should be happy to sacrifice for the greater good.

A decrease of illegals in our country will mean a decrease in American deaths at the hands of illegals. IS THIS A COMPLICATED STATEMENT? I do believe, even a liberal can do the math.

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