I am glad that among the apt political moves of the Trump admin., distancing themselves with Bannon early on was one of them.
Well I think it was a mutual decision where Bannon could be more effective in the field. I am not one of those who thinks he is of the so called “Alt Right” but a Patriot. Mostly everything you hear about Bannon is MSM smear nonsense.
At first I trusted him and believed he was not stupid. That feeling didn’t last long, after seeing him creating the us-them Alt-Right. Obviously he was setting up the Nazi criticism. Suddenly “Alt-Right” was repeated in the media, Then Charlottesville.
He was arrogant about everything. I knew he wasn’t trustworthy and jealous of others who were getting more attention. Then he went in and testified, causing more craziness and disunity.
Sorry I don’t see what you are seeing. That makes no sense, as I know he is a certain type of personality that loves to talk, and it could have been just bad chemistry with other type A personalities.
Instead of staying back and being supportive to Trump, it became about him and he caused dissension by being too demonstrative with others in the administration and in interviews said things that the left could easily turn into white supremacy, psychobabble by the media.
Bannon and the other backstabber, Bolton, (and a few others) were legends in their own minds and jealous of Trump.
Regardless how I came to dislike him, I still find it hard to believe, he was robbing from the wall fund for his personal use, I get no satisfaction from seeing his arrest. I was also hoping he had rehabed himself.
As I said earlier, it had occurred to me that movie became a money-pit. I remember him and others talking about the film, as if it was going to be a huge hit and it was going to be epic.
Maybe he thought he’d make a ton of money, like a few other documentaries had. Maybe he thought he had more fans than he really had.
Do you know of the story, in search of the princess with no toes?
I find it difficult to believe as well. It would be incredibly foolish given today’s climate against anyone associated with Trump.
In comparison, Hunter Biden is still on the board of a Chinese company, the Ukrainian kick back scheme seems to have lost interest and his father is the dimocrat nominee for President.
When will Bill & Hillary be arrested for defrauding donors to the Clinton Foundation?
Haitians want to know.
Yep! Deep State hit! They are panicking right now! Every single one of them!
Apparently Steve Bannon isn’t taking this laying down. He still did his show!
Let’s see your “jazz hands!”
I know the Princess and the Pea.
Tell me the story you are referring to. and what is the connection as you see it.
My interpretation of the Princess and the Pea, is not the same as most interpretations. The Princess with no toes, I don’t know,
As a white male who works it use to be you would never get any help from the state, but for 50% of what you make you would get relative peace. Now, we don’t even get that. As a white male we get no protection, peace, respect, or help. We simply have the privilege of paying for globohomo till we collapse like over worked oxen, and we get spit on while we do it.
It’s an animation that I watched as a kid. My mother made me go to bed before I could see the ending. I am not sure of the title but have been searching for it on YouTube to see if something conjures my memory.
There were two friends running through a dystopian city of the future, and their mission was to rescue this princess born without toes. They finally get to her through much adversity and cover her in a blanket as they reach their final destination, the two friends contemplate the future as the princess with no toes was saved and therefore she represented hope. (Not sure if this was ending)
I believe de Baiso’s wife cannot account for 850+ million.
“We will all hang if, if…”
The real reason! Also why our judicial system is messed up! People using their positions to retaliate politically!
Well, I’m on Bannon’s side for this, let’s hope he turns this into a chance to make amends for past betrayal.
Yeah! I am really pissed off about this! I am so fking tired of people like this and Weismann getting away with malicious prosecution. The kicker too, is taking 10% of the money that the public donated to cover their fees? Are you freaking kidding me? This woman, Audrey Strauss needs to seriously face ethics violation for bringing this case like she did. The motives are pretty clear and its because her boss Bermann was fired and this is a retaliatory strike against Trump!
I would send them more money that I know they are really using for the Wall if I could afford it.