Can you imagine the media meltdown if Boehner had pulled this with Obama though?
I have to wonder if some day historians will look back on this as the first step to civil war?
Trump should be citing the Constitution, and invoking article 2 section 3. Especially since certain members of Congress are going against it and violating their oath of office. Enough is enough. Why are we even continuing to put up with this? They’re supposed to be working for US.
Nothing in article 2 section 3 says he is entitled to speak on the house floor.
It doesn’t? What’s this then?
- come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble.
Kind of looks like that’s exactly what it says to me.
It says he can convene BOTH houses or EITHER of them, which means he can convene the Senate and not the House. In which case, he can hold the SOTU in Senate chambers and deny the House entry as there isn’t enough space
George Washington did it or at least gave his SOTU speech in Senate chambers not sure about denying the house part!
I guess the House wouldn’t be denied. They just wouldn’t be invited. Trump conceded that Nancy could decide to not invite him to address the House. If Trump only addresses the Senate, Nancy would have to concede that the President can choose not to address them. Of course, if Trump did this the media would say it was UNPRECEDENTED and that Trump is being childish.
The media already tried to label him as being childish when he cancelled her flight! I doubt he gives a dam! Personally I think he should do it and watch Nancy and her brats in the house become smaller as a result! Or maybe pick another venue so his supporters can attend, and broadcast it on OAN and MSM would not be invited!
Convening and taking the floor, not the same thing. Once convened, you need the speakers permission to take the floor.
It says he can convene BOTH houses or EITHER of them, which means he can convene the Senate and not the House. In which case, he can hold the SOTU in Senate chambers and deny the House entry as there isn’t enough space
Sure, not great optics to give his speech to just Republicans in the Senate though. Even worse optics to force democrats to be there.
Can you show me where that is in the constitutions?
It may be the rule of the house…but it’s a question of whether it’s constitutional.
Umm the constitution says the house makes the rules for the house, that means Nancy says who can and can’t speak on the floor. She can’t physically stop him though, all she can do is bang her gavel and condemn him.
Well it’s not like a woman saying “no” has stopped him before.
More like nobody on the left has ever scrupled about making unfounded allegations.
HEHE! OAN! Perfect.
Add that to my previous post. Convene the House at some crappy place and then give the SOTU outside on the capitol steps.
That’s easy, just convene them elsewhere where he has authority, say Edwards.
Baffles me why he doesn’t just give it in the Senate. Instead of looking like Pelosi’s bitch.