Stagflation underway

Whoooo slow down pal , if that moron won in 2020 by any means at hand , nothing will change in 2024 . Have you been paying attention to Trumps charges and the so-called trial ?


Trump is running the GOP now, having shit-canned Rononanana and replacing her with a Trumper who has declared that the Party’s money WILL be going into preventing theft of '24.

Are you forgetting that pesky kangaroo court with the criminal after criminal charges ???

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Looks to me like the last of the cases are going the way of the Dodo bird. Anything that doesn’t happen before the election is mute. He will have 4 years to drag the cases thru the Appeals system and they should all be overturned for a variety of reasons. Remember that old saw, “If you try to kill the King, you have to do it, or he kills you.” I think there has been a lot of mis-use of the law and given time Trump may be able to sue the govts involved. Of course those suits would fall to friendly faces on the bench. What goes around…

This can not hang over his head at election time , it will NOT serve him well !!!

I disagree. The worse his enemies treat him, the more resolute his supporters. People on the fence are left to examine their own hearts and choose to support Trump or his persecutors. The charges against Trump are being exposed as weak and probably made-up, one painful trial at a time, and as their methods and the details of “his crimes” are publically examined in depth and shown to be specious, the case against the Dems is revealed for what it is. Those low-information people that live in caves are sailboats and you can’t campaign to them because they don’t pay attention until the day of. Many of us believe that the size of his vote surprised the Dems in ’16, who cheated at a level that would’ve won a tighter election, and they vowed to cheat enough in '20, and had an extra 20,000,000 votes pre-printed with soldiers lined up to follow a well-planned agenda. The GOP got caught with their pants down, and now they have planned to catch the cheaters in '24 and match them one-for-one vacuuming up 3rd party ballots, too.


This is absolutely true.

Hamas used to engage in terrorism, but no longer for many years. Now more and more people around the globe are supporting Hamas, seeing how badly the Palestinians are treated and genocided.

The Stormy Daniels payoff and the manner in which he tried to cover it up will lose Trump many votes . The entire trial is designed to chip away voters .

Stormy was and is a whore who understands the system of blackmailing clients. Funny, I haven’t heard a word about it being illegal to blackmail rich men? So that endears the public to the Dems Creepy Joe who is on the payroll of Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Islamics, et al, and is refusing the close the border to Fentanyl & 7,000,000 illegal migrants? I could go on but if that’s not enough to off-set philandering & paying blackmail, nothing will.

Clean hands, sometimes called the clean hands doctrine, unclean hands doctrine, or dirty hands doctrine,[1] is an equitable defense in which the defendant argues that the plaintiff is not entitled to obtain an equitable remedy because the plaintiff is acting unethically or has acted in bad faith with respect to the subject of the complaint—that is, with “unclean hands”. The defendant has the burden of proof to show the plaintiff is not acting in good faith. The doctrine is often stated as “those seeking equity must do equity” or “equity must come with clean hands”. This is a matter of protocol, characterised by A. P. Herbert in Uncommon Law by his fictional Judge Mildew saying (as Herbert says, “less elegantly”), “A dirty dog will not have justice by the court”.[2]

A defendant’s unclean hands can also be claimed and proven by the plaintiff to claim other equitable remedies and to prevent that defendant from asserting equitable affirmative defenses.[3][4] In other words, ‘unclean hands’ can be used offensively by the plaintiff as well as defensively by the defendant. Historically, the doctrine of unclean hands can be traced as far back as the Fourth Lateran Council.[citation needed]

And a clean twat would hurt too !! :rofl: :rofl: :joy:

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I can’t follow you. Do yo mean to say that someone who has paid blackmail can’t complain about someone who has received the payments?

Really ? I’ll slow it down … 1 party pays another party for an ILLEGAL ACT try to guess what that act could be ?? Then the other party tries to blackmail the other .
the party asserting the unclean hands defense must prove that the misconduct relates directly to the subject matter concerning which a particular claim is made. In other words, there must be a direct relationship between the misconduct and the claimed injuries. This could include any evidence of a party’s unclean hands in relation to the transaction before the court or which affects the equitable relations between the parties in the matter before the court.

I am a little slow; how about giving us poorly educated dummies an example inserting Trump as one party, Whore Stormy as another, Michael Cohen as a third party, and mix in as many good guys or bad guys as works, and see if we ( me) can follow your train of thought.

I think you’re saying if you buy sex and the whore blackmails you, the law would avert its gaze. If that’s the case, either the law is an ass, or the Judge doesn’t understand the subtle inferences when he uses the term, “My Court” which is a term of art.

The point was if BOTH parties are committing a CRIME you wouldn’t go to the police or the courts for justice .

There are crimes; and there are crimes. Going to a whore is illegal in some places, but not in others. Blackmail is on a higher plane, and paying a blackmailer is not illegal. Prejury is a high crime. Conflating one crime with another is at least incorrect, and often misleading.

More like conflating one PERSON with another is often misleading .