GOP caves and caves over and over again . Taxpayers have no one looking out for them . The dirty swamp has consumed them ALL .
This truly was the biggest cucktified GOP in US history!
Need any more evidence that there is a uni-party? You have a perfect opportunity to stick it to the Dems. The only thing House Republicans have accomplished in the last 9 months is make Pelosi and the Democrats look like serious and effective politicians!!
We need someone as speaker for the Republican party that is willing to stand up to Biden to do what is right for the country. McCarthy has proven he is not the one.
Remember …
President Donald Trump lost — bigly — when Congress voted for a $1.3 trillion spending bill that repudiates many of his top policy goals and much of his rhetoric.
He didn’t get the money he wanted for a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico or a provision cutting off federal funds for “sanctuary cities.” Lawmakers not only ignored his fiscal 2018 budget’s elimination of scores of federal programs, they increased spending for many of those on his target list. And Congress provided seed cash for a New York-New Jersey tunnel project that Trump tried to kill.
The list of ways in which Congress rejected Trump’s priorities — save a massive buildup in defense spending — is nearly as long as the 2,232-page bill that policy wonks are still studying.
More stunning, perhaps, was the way Republicans and Democrats both teamed up to cross out items on Trump’s wish list.
“In a world in which one party controls both houses of Congress and the presidency, you’d expect that the president would get a vast majority of his budget priorities,” Baer said. “The fact that he did not is a sign of how out of step Trump is from congressional Republicans, how incompetent his White House is — or both.” SAD
"This week Republicans and Democrats got together to avert a government shutdown.
Too bad.
There’s so much that ought to be shut down.
Useless Cabinet departments, for example, like Housing and Urban Development, Labor and Agriculture. Agriculture employs almost 100,000 people. Why? Independent farmers grow our food. They don’t need a giant department.
Let’s get rid of the Department of Education, too. Why does it even exist? Education is a local responsibility and none of the federal government’s business. Yet its spending is up 300% over the last 10 years.
The department didn’t even exist before 1979. Has education improved since then? No. Government’s grand plans, like No Child Left Behind and Common Core, helped no one but bureaucrats.
Trying to justify itself, the department funded studies of everyone’s favorite government program, Head Start. The “experts” were surprised to learn that the much-praised program has no effect. By third grade, there was no difference between kids that attend and those who don’t.
Education is best left to local governments and parents.
We don’t need a Commerce Department. After all, commerce just happens. Get rid of the bureaucrats and sell the buildings.
Get rid of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
I know, Medicare is popular. “Free” stuff always is. But government’s current health promises are unsustainable. As we live longer and want the newest and best medicines, Medicare is on track to go broke.
I’m on Medicare. I get everything my doctor suggests. I never even ask about price. That’s insane.
Medicare and Social Security take money from the young and give it to those of us who had decades to invest and save. That’s just unfair.
Let people shop for free-market plans. Let the market work.
Once people pay their own bills, competition will drive prices down. Health care would be less confusing and bureaucratic.
Abolish the Food and Drug Administration. It’s a big reason drugs are so expensive. It was created years ago when people were hurt by quack medicines. But today we have the internet; sites like let us decide for ourselves if we want to risk taking a drug.
Get rid of the Drug Enforcement Administration and the destructive War on Drugs. The DEA spends $3 billion a year and does little but raise the price of drugs, switching users from drugs like heroin to deadlier things like fentanyl.
Did we learn nothing from alcohol Prohibition? Banning liquor created Al Capone and organized crime.
Today there are no beer gangs or vodka cartels only because alcohol is legal.
The drug warriors’ rules don’t protect us from drugs. They mostly enrich murderous drug cartels.
Get rid of subsidies for NPR and PBS.
Kill the Export-Import Bank and the Small Business Administration. Businesses should operate on their own. They shouldn’t get handouts and dubious advice from government bureaucrats.
Privatize air traffic control. Canada and dozens of other countries already did, and their systems are safer and work better. That would save $2 billion, and your flight would be more likely to arrive on time.
Likewise, privatize Amtrak. Save $7 billion.
Privatize the post office. Today there are lots of better alternatives.
Of course, I’m dreaming. Government programs don’t get shut down. They just grow.
Washington claims every one of its activities is crucially important. But that’s nonsense.
If the Nov. 17 deadline isn’t met and the government shuts down, will you even notice?
Few outside the media and the Washington bureaucracy noticed the last shutdown.
Social Security, Medicare, the Postal Service, air traffic control, the passport agency and irresponsible lending to college students will continue during a “government shutdown.”
Democrats, sleazily, say they’d close national parks. That’s a government product that people definitely like. But they are outdoors! It’s stupid to close the gates (Donald Trump didn’t close them during when government shut down during his term).
They’ll close parks because Democrats and many Republicans want to convince us that everything good comes from government.
It doesn’t.
Go ahead. Shut most of it down. "
At the beginning of fiscal 2023, the federal debt was $30,928,911,613,306.73, according to the U.S. Treasury. When fiscal 2023 ended last week, it was $33,167,334,044,723.16. In just one year, the debt grew by $2,238,422,431,416.43.
The debt for each individual taxpayer as of July 17 now exceeds $283,000. Who will pay for all of this? Our children and grandchildren.
The spending is out of control, and members from both houses going back to the days of Cantor, and Boehner, were always saying we have a spending problem but they too kicked the can down the road. So when Gaetz said that the American people have been getting screwed for decades just remember before Bush took office our debt was just over 1 trillion dollars. Think about that for a second. 1 trillion dollars is much more manageable than 33 and counting Trillions.
Collaborating with Democrats is unforgivable !!!