Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

This is rather interesting, however I wouldn’t be advertising this as this is equivalent to tipping your poker hand.

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Nothing will happen, nothing will change until America citizens demands change. Change at the ballot box where the life long people representing us will to be dumped.

In the UK in 2010 the British Public voted in the Conservative Party the American equivalent of the Republicans and David Cameron then Prime Minister promised to bring immigration down to the tens of thousands not the hundreds of thousands he failed to do so then brexit happened it is offered misconstrued that the main motivation behind brexit was immigration by it was certainly in the top three migration has doubled since then it’s not just people asking the politicians to stop really need grassroots movements and outside as coming into the political mainstream it makes companies more money to bring more people into the country it decreases wages and it increases property prices whilst also gaining more high paying customers you’ll pay more for a Big Mac in America than you would in Mexico absolutely mass migration is a disgusting policy

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Pelosi’s net worth in 2021 was estimated to be as much as $171.4 million in an October report by The Washington Free Beacon, that arrived at that figure “by taking into account the ranges of all the individual assets and liabilities” in Pelosi’s financial disclosure statement

It is estimated that Pelosi’s net worth had risen by $140 million since 2008.

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Illegals are only a phenomenon.
You have to arrest the criminals who are financing and executing the policy for mass migration. We know who they are, but people are afraid to say it.

Instead of beating about the bush, I say:
Arrest the criminal Jooish politicians and banksters.


Statistically she’s a better at investment and money management than Warren Buffett a bunch of guys online found some way to track her financial movement and they would just copy it and was making good money eventually they got shut down it’s crazy that we live in a society so corrupt that Nancy alcoholic Pelosi is the world’s greatest financial investor statistically speaking

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The politicians give the ILLUSION thst they actually sccomplish anything with the medias help.
Following the MONEY TRAIL to those who actually conduct and benefit from the illegals are probably some of the BIGGEST campain donors and POWERFUL INSIDERS in DC. So they dont bite the hand that feeds tbem.
Anyone that would attempt to do anything to limit the illegal tsunami and go after those at the top are probably given an " OFFER THEY CANT REFUSE" .

Instead of addressing the crisis of his own creation at the southern border,


is taking air marshals off of planes and sending them to the border. We need to build the wall, tighten asylum standards and rein in DHS’s parole power.

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Owen Stroyer is showing up when everyone else sits home!

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This is pretty scary stuff.

"The Billionaire class wants to suppress the wages of working Americans. "

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Illegal Immigrants Becoming Cops.

If certain states start adopting this policy then Americans can basically take it up the a&& or not tolerate this nonsense.

What about you? Are you going to allow an illegal immigrant to police and arrest US citizens?

Get the f*** out with that bills***!

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Illegals cross over right in front of Mike Johnson and his Republican delegation. Crazy!

Shut it down! Shut it all down!

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Rep. Matt Gaetz


I’m currently in Eagle Pass, TX witnessing the intentional destruction of our Southern Border by the Biden administration. This video was sent to me by a Texas official. It shows how illegal aliens are being encouraged to invade our country while the fencing put up by Texas is cut open by


. Under the corrupt orders of


and Joe Biden, we will never see our border protected. But if this border is not shut down, then we must shut down the government.

I just shake my head at this. Screw impeachment, treason charge is more like it.

I agree. Lets see where this goes, but they should shut down the government until the border issue is addressed. Mayorkas is probably going to be removed soon if I was a betting man and he will be the sacrificial lamb in order to get a spending package passed. Not a great solution, because I really think the Repukes should stop compromising on anything! Shut this fking POS administration down!


GPS tracking of 6 different wolves in 6 separate wolfpacks. Notice all of the wolves understand the importance of borders. Nature made borders for a reason, they keep the peace and maintain the traditions, values, and customs of each pack’s (society’s) ancestors.