Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

Could be a possibility. At this point any and everything is on the table to consider.

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Since Pres. Biden took office, how many people have come into our country illegally or on the basis of an asylum claim?

Biden officials had no answer for me today.

It’s 8 MILLION. That’s 4 Nebraskas.

REMINDER: These communists know exactly how many illegals are coming in. They’re not “bumbling”. They’re not “clueless” or “stupid” or any of the other excuses the Right loves to make for them.

They have a plan and they’re executing it. The plan is to burn this country to ash.

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The thing that floors me about this is that they do it right in your face. They know what they’re doing, they deny it right to your face, and they don’t care what you think or believe… it’s utterly astounding that they continue to get away with it when you have people like Kennedy that call them out, prove them to be liars and shines a light on the whole thing for the entire country to see. And… it just continues anyway…lol.

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Those that support illegal immigration are QUICK to play the race card against the opposition and the LIBERAL MSM adds fuel to the fire. None of those that support illegal immigration really care about those that die by the CARTELS that bring them here or those that are SEX TRAFFICKED here to payoff the costs to the Cartels.
Where is the REAL MEDIA in this country reporting on this along with the illegals used as drug runners and taffickers once here. I assume its to EMBARRASING to the LIBERAL agenda to publicize this and maybe some media outlets are THREATENED and or HARRASSED into being quiet. Maybe the USAG Spanky McFarland ( remember the little rascals ) is involved with the suppression .

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The He Man Women Haters Club! :grin:

Yes it continues when you have a apathetic populace who have no will. What gets me is the fact thousands will protest Israel’s use of force on Gaza, but they won’t do anything to secure our borders. To me this is more outrageous than anything I have seen within our domestic disputes so far. Of course I am certain I am missing something as being more outrageous but you get the point!

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Americans ok with this because all they do is whine about it!


A valuable lesson in this incident. Expect more like this in a lawless society that has allowed this into the country.

New piece from Bob Bergquam.

“More illegal alien insanity! From Manhattan to Brooklyn, New York, Welcome to the Sleep Inn, Sheepshead Bay, where the American dream goes to die!”

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This is messed up! They are not going to one place, but many different places in the interior of the country!

Being betrayed by your own government is in comparison to getting kicked in the crotch! A horrible feeling!

These types of stories will become more common so long as we keep allowing illegal immigration to enter unfettered.

I will believe it when I see it is the saying!

They say it cannot be done. All with out technology:
July is scorching in Mexicali. The Mexican city just across the border from Calexico, California, averages 108 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, but temperatures often swell into the 120s.

In 1955, thousands of disoriented people roamed the city’s streets as the sun bore down on them. They had just been dumped there by American immigration officials—snatched from their lives and jobs in the United States and thrown into a city where they didn’t know anyone.

These Mexican immigrants had been caught in the snare of Operation Wetback, the biggest mass deportation of undocumented workers in United States history. As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign with a racist name, which was designed to root out undocumented Mexicans from American society.

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So your point is? You think another mass deportation operation is possible but with even more mass numbers?

Meanwhile, they operate in secrecy! The question is why?

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A mass deportation like that is impossible to do, but why not deport them when tbey are caught .We could also send them to most LIBERAL areas of the US to be be taken care of by the LIBERALS.

That has been done on more than one occasion. It doesn’t go over well. :rofl:

If it was up to you, what would you suggest in order to address all the illegal migration people entering your country? What is the best solution? Or do you allow them to stay?