Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

Great article on the lack of BPA, as well as need funding to update infrastructure and to make improvements!


Trump Secures funding for 1000 miles of new Border wall!

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It stuff like this that continues the problem!

*** UPDATE****

These are the recent updates that is now causing controversy as a panel of 3 judges on the 9th circuit decided to overturn its own ruling which means it will be voted on again but in the meantime what was in effect in terms of “remain in Mexico” will be suspended. How is that possible you ask? Here is how it works:

The decision can be appealed for an ‘en banc’ (meaning ‘in bench’ hearing. In that, the entire court (all the judges in that circuit Appeals Court) decide. After that, it can go to SCOTUS for review.

As a result of this latest debacle from the 9th now hundreds of migrants are now massing up again at the southern border looking to illegally cross!

Also if Obrador decides to violate his agreement with the US then Trump is considering on shutting down the Southern Border but will use a different reason for doing so such as the containment and threat of the Coronavirus. This last part is not definitive but is a developing story that is very much fluid at the present when all things considered here.

He has sole authority to close the borders if he chooses to in a national emergency. He also has absolute legitimate authority to declare another emergency over Covid19 to expedite securing the border via the construction of physical barriers.

He may just do that if Mexico breaks its agreement with the US, in containing these recent surges. There is quite a bit Trump can do that Supersedes these asshat judges. In fact if this has to go to the Supreme Court, the Coronavirus continues to spread, and Mexico renigs then closing the border becomes a real possibility! I for one would love to see it because such a decision would send the leftist, and their media comrades over the edge!


That article about c’virus in Mexico seems rather drive-by skewed. “Only 3 cases in Mexico, whereas we have 60…”

Mexico would have no control of an outbreak there. All our cases have been strictly quarantined, and every effort is made to trace every case to a “patient-zero” to contain any possible exposures.

Far too much of Mexico is uncontrollably germ-spreading close-quartered. (Just like Wuhan, China, where the virus spread like wildfire.)

Get even one carrier in the underbelly of the caravan hordes or the smuggling staging warehouses, and thousands would be infected within days.

And coyotes wouldn’t care that they were unwittingly (or even wittingly) injecting cases into the USA population. And these would be utterly non-traced individuals sneaking yet another disease here.

Mexico doesn’t have a public health system even capable of tracking their cases.


There is no arguing the valid points that you raised, however it’s highly speculative because we will don’t know the specifics.

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Good points, Guv :+1:

No argument there. In fact, we don’t know what diseases unknown, uncounted, unseen illegals bring until after the outbreaks occur. (Mumps 2019. Chicken pox 2018.) We can contain such outbreaks when they happen in detention centers. But there is no way to do so for non-contained illegals. None at all. And you can bet that such illegals who find themselves with a contagious disease will NOT turn themselves in for treatment – meaning they remain in the general population to spread the contagion further.

Build the wall. The more such flow we deter and prevent, the better our chances of avoiding a Southern Border Crisis that make today’s mere flow of illegals look like a summer breeze.


Very good point and a sobering reason why our borders need to be secured, especially the southern one where most illegals enter. People don’t believe this, but the wall is quietly being built even in the face of adversity and all it’s roadblocks!

When I read stuff like this it becomes even more clear that immigration reform is desperately needed and the will to change political discourse through elections is the fight to the death that simply can not be ignored. Besides China it represents our greatest vulnerability as a nation.

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This is a story that is currently flying on the radar, but its a clear example of leftist ORGS trying to undermine this administration by trying to exploit loose wording in the law.

A federal district court judge in Washington, D.C., ruled that Cuccinelli, who was acting director of the 19,000-person USCIS from last June until January, did not meet the requirements in the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 to have the job. The judge’s decision deemed Cuccinelli’s policy changes invalid, teeing up new legal troubles for the Trump administration.

The Democracy Forward Foundation, a Washington-based legal services organization, created during Trump’s first year in office, sued with other groups in September over Cuccinelli-pushed policies the group argued made it more difficult or impossible for some asylum seekers to have claims heard at the southwest border.

It’s going nowhere. At worst the current director will reissue the same policies and eventually Cuccinelli will be removed after all appeals are exhausted and probably replaced with someone they like even less.

The massive stimulus package awaiting a vote in the Senate would prohibit the Pentagon from shifting $10.5 billion in coronavirus funding to a counter-drug account it has been using to fund President Trump’s southern border wall.

According to bill text released by the Senate Appropriations Committee, the bill would allow the Pentagon to transfer the coronavirus funds to other accounts “except for ‘Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense.’”

A Democratic summary of the bill described the language as intended to “prevent funds in this title from being diverted to build a wall on the southern border.”

Well this will suddenly slow them down. Not has been reported on the Southern Border crisis these last few months, however this is welcomed news.

Get this!

MSNBC reporter concerned New Border Wall will inconvenience illegals

Here we go again! Another caravan headed towards the southern border, and just in time for the US elections. Hmm? Seems coordinated to me!