Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

It is possible to cut through those bollard pilings.

It cannot be done with the equipment they are claiming is being used nor can it be done quickly.

Unlike jails and prisons we can’t shut down the border during construction.

True! I suspect this is more on target of the misinformation campaign being waged that is designed to try and demoralise Trump’s base!

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Here is a link to the go fund me page for border wall funding!

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This is a strange turn of events. Apparently Tuscon thinks Sanctuary City status is a bad idea!

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Cartel members arrested at We Build The Wall construction site

4 Gulf Cartel members arrested where We Build The Wall is constructing project 2
Along with more than 20 fake asylum seekers

Appendix: Fake Migrants

I’d laugh but I’m too busy laughing. Guess they thought they’d beat the wall by getting here early.

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Trump Can Use $3.6 Billion in Military Funds for Border Wall: Appeals Court

Well this is pretty surprising and good news at the same time. Should send a clear signal that if you are caught smuggling people illegally into the US you are goi g to some hard time! Is 10 years in prison worth it?

Intense is probably a better word to describe this video as migrants from Guatemala are confronted by Mexican Troops in southern Mexico

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Great way to get a bunch of folks crushed to death.

When they pull stuff like this it’s time to start using some pretty brutal measures.

Gotta give credit where it’s due, they are creative.

Yeah, it’s pretty weird watching the many different ways they will think of to try to get into the country illegally.

wow, what a Sad mess.

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I know right? This is why border security can not be underappreciated!

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Did you notice they are all men?

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Yes. Not surprising though, considering most of them probably came to get work in the construction industry. That is my guess. What I like to know is how they were able to breathe through all that dirt even in the hidden compartment? Not something I would be willing to do. That was a risky move on their part!

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Probably drilled holes on the underside.

Crazy stuff, huh? :flushed:

That is a good explanation and probably most likely true.

Crazy is a start, but the lesson taken here is that Border patrol more then ever have to always be on their toes and be given the tools necessary (such as the latest tech) to be able to sniff out these invaders. They are getting more and more sophisticated with trying new ways. They simply don’t quit and either should our border patrol.