Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

This could be a beautiful thing if they decided to guard our southern border like this!

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Let the riots commence once Trump is convicted and jailed!

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Blacks do it every time they need tv’s and sneakers and rarely get arrested !!!


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Let’s get down to brass tacks: There are always two ways to look at issues; ours versus theirs. We always seem to be looking at different things, but very often something exists that causes something else. Like immigration: To wit:

Not interfering in other countries equals unlimited immigration. There are plenty of naysayers that speak loudly how the US, et al should mind our own business and not stick it in other countries’ business. That’s very respectful of others, -whether they deserve our respect at all, much less when they operate by inhumane treatment of their own people such that large blocks of people run from those home countries and beg entry into all the better run countries.

If they burden us with their poor and ill-suited emigrants, how should we respond? Let them be? We’ve already seen at our doorstep half of South America. That’s really aggravating, especially in light of the fact that several countries down there have abundant resources and pleasant living conditions. It’s not like South America is a bad place to live; people only leave their birthplace out of desperation. But we need to honor the right of despots to ruin those countries and ours, too. You know where you can stick that?

For us, a self-defense plan that works. NOT a plan to acquiesce to every other country’s problems with largess we need to borrow money for. That’s not a plan; that’s an unthinking response. Idiots respond, intelligent people plan. & execute. Pick a side.

Immigration limits should be a function of some pool of dollars set aside to support some number of people. Dollars to be allocated each year and changed as needed, each year. Not numbers of people; the exact number of people will be plain math of allowing only that number which use-up the $ budget. We need to maintain the mix of existing races/colors/creeds/such that people of origin #1 be limited to the existing % of the support budget, and no additional members of that group unless there are surpluses in that budget in the year of entry; if people from earlier years of that group are still drawing any kind of aid dollars, then that amount of aid reduces the new yearly budget for that group. If that equals the whole amount, then no additional members of that group may enter the country. Retirement payments exceeding those earned in the normal fashion by the normal rules are also to be deducted from the pool until death of recipients. If the pool is exceeded for long periods, then no addition members of that group may be admitted and the group cap may not be raised. The budget may be increased, but must be increased for all groups simultaneously, and only to accommodate reflecting the maintenance of the existing mix of racial/ethnic population.

The purpose of immigration is to enhance society’s worthiness, not to add people who are life-long-dependents. In this day & age of excess population every country should limit their own population and Immigrants should be welcomed only as they are useful and an addition that the receiving country wants & needs.

The CIA has interfered in other countries’ govts that the US considered needing interference in. The world officially hates it, or at least likes to take cheap shots, but the kinds of people who will protest that this attitude leaves persecuted people by the wayside please answer this: Does the rest of the world have the right to intervene and interfere in the affairs of countries that violate the rights and/or sensibilities of citizens such that their citizens need to escape and burden other countries? These two issues are; should some countries be burdened by other countries immigrants; or should the kinds of govts that are so bad they drive their own citizens out of the country be toppled and replacements installed? These are two sides of the same coin. The number of countries today that fall into this category of needing direction is probably as big or bigger than ever. A better question might be: Who shall bell the cat?

Adam Smith held that the wealth of nations lay in the freedom of the people to work in their own best interest. Ipso, facto: people who emigrate are a net loss to the place they are leaving. If that emigration is the fault of the govt, King, whatever force was/is in-place that prohibits the masses from being able to freely be productive in their own best interests, it doesn’t matter! As long as they can find better conditions elsewhere, they will escape. Ask any East Berliner; they‘d rather be a jelly donut on the west side of the wall! Today, immigrants crossing our southern border would rather be poor in America because there is some good chance they can advance themselves here the way they can’t back home in the 158 countries they came from.

Back in the olden days labor/subjects that were surplus was handled differently. Migration was different, often at the convenience and behest of the King or an invading army. Transportation was arranged.

The concept of slavery is greatly misunderstood these days. We don’t look down upon the explorers & sailors of the 15th century and criticize them for poor expertise; they were the product of their era. They conducted themselves to the standards, as expected, of the era. Slavery was just another form of forced labor, -economics in action; OF THE ERA. People today think ill of forced labor outside of prisons, and some countries would rather have incarcerated criminals not pay their way and just sit on their ass for years at someone else’s expense. Our standards and norms are different today. We have made progress!! We can make more progress. This is a different era.

The concept of “forced labor” was alien to the 15th century and earlier, -and later, too. There were two kinds of people: the aristocracy and subjects. If you were a subject, you were told you were a farmer or shoemaker or candlestick maker or somebody would take you out back and explain it to you. The difference between subject and slave was minimal; slaves were bought & paid for, usually having been a captured enemy, or someone else’s subject that was surplus to the needs of the guy who had you rounded-up and sold to a slaver. Or, you could be a defeated enemy subject that looked to be a healthy worker to use up in the mines or quarries or as household pot licker if better looking or smarter than the average bear. The difference between being bought & sold and born into was negligible; a book keeping entry in a different column.

The new world created a new need for workers, over there; way
 there. Whence laborers to grow sugar cane & bananas, harvest exotic lumber; dig gold & silver & jewels? When the traders went to the shores of Africa and asked the Kings to provide young, healthy, men & women to be workers far, far away, and told him they’d trade him goods they had on board for the workers, the King’s brain went into high gear: “
 white man pay for young men & women to be taken far away to be white man’s subjects and never bring back? There’s a tribe of troublemakers just other side of 3rd mountain that invades my lands in hard years and steal my berries and hunt my game. Would white buy them? Only if hands tied and at ocean shore at next full moon? This is like Mana! White man take my enemy away and pay me, too? How many you want? How soon can you come back for more?

If you look thru the lens of the old world, this is business as usual, of the era. In the Middle Ages up to the edges of the enlightened times where some guys thought people didn’t need to be subjects just because they were not upper class; the concept of free low-class people was laughed at. “
 Ha ha ha, what would they do? Where would they go? They have nothing and only have utility to themselves as workers for the King, on his estates as peasants or servants, or soldiers
” Some freedom to move about and find employment not specified by the Regent was only possible as an apprentice something or other, but that was indebted servitude to begin with, too, and opportunities were limited to childless skilled workers who needed helpers. And it was unusual; subjects did what their fathers did. The system in place for thousands of years was unthinkable as, “old fashion and we’re going to stop being subjects of the King”. The King protected you, so to speak, and without his protection you were fodder for thieves, etc. Entering another Kingdom wasn’t done unless they needed more slaves. A peasant born died a peasant, always someone’s subject. So slavery was not new or different or even looked down upon. There were some free people in some few cultures, but they were few and far between and the exception. Free of sorts began in the Roman Empire, but became sort of impractical in the Dark Ages following the collapse of the Roman Empire.

If we play our cards right and let Charles Schwab & George Soros have their way, we could become whatever is next on someone else’s agenda; different, but much like the storied Brave New World or 1984. Free, so to speak. I like it the way it is right now and don’t want to be Chuck & Geo’s subject, doing what they think is best.

As they say in New Hampcha
 “Live Free or Die”.

How is all this related to wars due to economic events? Like the ’76 Revolution, or the Civil War in 1860? The South needed slaves as integral to their economy. The Kings of Africa could get rid of enemies and troublemakers in their own tribe, too. Tribal wars the world over have been about the rights to lands needed to support the King’s minions. That’s economics in an era before money. Russia wants Ukraine because of the grain production. China took Hong Kong because it was the economic jewel of the east, and they want Taiwan for the same reason. Venezuela is sending us all the bad actors in their prisons, as did Cuba in the Mariel Boatlift. Haiti, etc., etc., and 158 countries are happy to take advantage of Biden’s graciousness, at our expense as a safety valve.

The Islamic & African waves that have overwhelmed Europe in the last 20 years didn’t leave their homelands because times were wonderful. Europeans in the 19th century came to America with nothing but the ability to work. Immigration is a safety valve and an economic event on both ends of the journey. When beneficial to both ends, nobody complains. When it’s negative to one side only then getting even is in the air. All wars may or may not be caused by economic pressures; but all are economic events. Mankind is very creative and there is no end of excuses to go to war. Wherever there is greed or economic hardship; war, civil or otherwise is not far away. And Adam Smith is still right.

“Illegal aliens aren’t voting because it’s illegal for them to vote.”

Just like it’s illegal for them to be here, so it must not be happening, right?


Can’t get away from the double standards of the left, they show us every day who they are! There are no asylum seekers just UN operatives looking to take down America with their cultural enrichment!


You might be onto something buddy! The secret invasion is here!


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I wasn’t expecting this!

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Full List of Democrats Who Voted Against Deporting Migrants Who Attack Cops

Full List of Democrats Who Voted Against the Bill

Alma S. Adams, North Carolina
Pete Aguilar, California
Gabe Amo, Rhode Island
Jake Auchincloss, Massachusetts
Becca Balint, Vermont
Nanette Diaz BarragĂĄn, California
Joyce Beatty, Ohio
Ami Bera, California
Donald S. Beyer, Jr., Virginia
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Georgia
Earl Blumenauer, Oregon
Suzanne Bonamici, Oregon
Jamaal Bowman, New York
Shontel M. Brown, Ohio
Julia Brownley, California
Cori Bush, Missouri
Salud O. Carbajal, California
Tony CĂĄrdenas, California
André Carson, Indiana
Troy A. Carter, Louisiana
Greg Casar, Texas
Pete Aguilar, California
Gabe Amo, Rhode Island
Jake Auchincloss, Massachusetts
Becca Balint, Vermont
Nanette Diaz BarragĂĄn, California
Joyce Beatty, Ohio
Ami Bera, California
Donald S. Beyer, Jr., Virginia
Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Georgia
Earl Blumenauer, Oregon
Suzanne Bonamici, Oregon
Jamaal Bowman, New York
Shontel M. Brown, Ohio
Julia Brownley, California
Cori Bush, Missouri
Salud O. Carbajal, California
Tony CĂĄrdenas, California
André Carson, Indiana
Troy A. Carter, Louisiana
Greg Casar, Texas
Ed Case, Hawaii
Sean Casten, Illinois
Kathy Castor, Florida
Joaquin Castro, Texas
Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, Florida
Judy Chu, California
Katherine M. Clark, Massachusetts
Yvette D. Clarke, New York
James E. Clyburn, South Carolina
Steve Cohen, Tennessee
Gerald E. Connolly, Virginia
J. Luis Correa, California
Jim Costa, California
Jasmine Crockett, Texas
Jason Crow, Colorado
Sharice Davids, Kansas
Danny K. Davis, Illinois
Madeleine Dean, Pennsylvania
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Rosa L. DeLauro, Connecticut
Suzan K. DelBene, Washington
Christopher R. Deluzio, Pennsylvania
Mark DeSaulnier, California
Debbie Dingell, Michigan
Lloyd Doggett, Texas
Veronica Escobar, Texas
Anna Eshoo, California
Adriano Espaillat, New York
Lizzie Fletcher, Texas
Bill Foster, Illinois
Valerie Foushee, North Carolina
Lois Frankel, Florida
Maxwell Frost, Florida
John Garamendi, California
Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, Illinois
Robert Garcia, California
Sylvia Garcia, Texas
Daniel Goldman, New York
Jimmy Gomez, California
Al Green, Texas
Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland
Val T. Hoyle, Oregon
Jared Huffman, California
Glenn Ivey, Maryland
Jonathan L. Jackson, Illinois
Sara Jacobs, California
Pramila Jayapal, Washington
Hakeem S. Jeffries, New York
Henry C. “Hank” Johnson, Jr., Georgia
Sydney Kamlager-Dove, California
Robin L. Kelly, Illinois
Timothy M. Kennedy, New York
Ro Khanna, California
Derek Kilmer, Washington
Raja Krishnamoorthi, Illinois
Rick Larsen, Washington
John B. Larson, Connecticut
Barbara Lee, California
Summer L. Lee, Pennsylvania
Teresa Leger Fernandez, New Mexico
Ted Lieu, California
Zoe Lofgren, California
Doris O. Matsui, California
Lucy McBath, Georgia
Jennifer L. McClellan, Virginia
Betty McCollum, Minnesota
Morgan McGarvey, Kentucky
James P. McGovern, Massachusetts
Gregory W. Meeks, New York
Robert Menendez, New Jersey
Grace Meng, New York
Kweisi Mfume, Maryland
Gwen Moore, Wisconsin
Seth Moulton, Massachusetts
Kevin Mullin, California
Jerrold Nadler, New York
Grace F. Napolitano, California
Richard E. Neal, Massachusetts
Joe Neguse, Colorado
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York
Ilhan Omar, Minnesota
Frank Pallone, Jr., New Jersey
Bill Pascrell, Jr., New Jersey
Nancy Pelosi, California
Chellie Pingree, Maine
Mark Pocan, Wisconsin
Katie Porter, California
Ayanna Pressley, Massachusetts
Mike Quigley, Illinois
Delia C. Ramirez, Illinois
Jamie Raskin, Maryland
Deborah K. Ross, North Carolina
Raul Ruiz, California
C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, Maryland
Linda T. SĂĄnchez, California
John P. Sarbanes, Maryland
Mary Gay Scanlon, Pennsylvania
Janice D. Schakowsky, Illinois
Adam B. Schiff, California
Bradley Scott Schneider, Illinois
Robert C. “Bobby” Scott, Virginia
David Scott, Georgia
Terri A. Sewell, Alabama
Brad Sherman, California
Adam Smith, Washington
Melanie A. Stansbury, New Mexico
Haley M. Stevens, Michigan
Marilyn Strickland, Washington
Eric Swalwell, California
Mark Takano, California
Shri Thanedar, Michigan
Mike Thompson, California
Bennie G. Thompson, Mississippi
Rashida Tlaib, Michigan
Jill N. Tokuda, Hawaii
Paul Tonko, New York
Norma J. Torres, California
Ritchie Torres, New York
Lori Trahan, Massachusetts
Lauren Underwood, Illinois
Juan Vargas, California
Marc A. Veasey, Texas
Nydia M. VelĂĄzquez, New York
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida
Maxine Waters, California
Bonnie Watson Coleman, New Jersey
Nikema Williams, Georgia



That is one long and messy list!

Scumbags and the same scum that took a knee for that drugged up George Floyd while wearing African grab , also the same scum that ignored Gold Star Survivors .

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Just goes to show we have a much larger problem than we can comprehend, and cleaning it up is going to take a massive undertaking! I don’t see this ending well!


“Mexico is now deporting Americans back to the US”

Undocumented Americans moving to Mexico for a lower cost of living is causing inflation in Mexico.

You can’t make this shit up!!

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Where is Bidens border Tsar? Probably under someones desk giving LIP SERVICE.
Lets send all the illegals to LA , Portland , Seattle , NYC, DC , BALTIMORE , PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON , CHICAGO , MARTHAS VINEYARD and other liberal cities and to homes of LIBERAL POLS and BUSINESES that support them.

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