Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

This is America now where illegals can now sell drugs on the street with impunity! They also flip off Americans for filming them too!

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Just shoot the fuckers… all of them.

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Pay some of the southside gangs to do a drive by!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Tyson Foods, Inc., a multinational corporation based in the U.S, recently shuttered a pork processing factory in Iowa, leading to the loss of 1,200 American jobs. Shortly after, Tyson announced plans to hire tens of thousands of illegal aliens. The food giant already employs roughly 42,000 foreign nationals, and a Tyson human resources rep stated earlier this month that “We would like to employ another 42,000 if we could find them,” and they are trying hard to find them. Tyson has been offering $16.50 per hour wages and free access to immigration lawyers to foreign nationals who have resettled in New York. The company’s explanation for its desire to hire tens of thousands of illegal aliens is that they are “very, very loyal” workers, according to the same human resources rep.

Another term for “loyal” in this case might be “exploitable.” While American workers are likely to demand good pay and decent working conditions, migrant workers are likely to be much more desperate and much less demanding. This allows major corporations to take advantage of migrants at the expense of American jobs and treasure. Tyson is far from the only or the worst offender when it comes to this, but they are the latest example of how the U.S. asylum system is being abused as a labor-importation system.

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Looks like Tyson products are off the grocerie list. :roll_eyes:


That is affirmative! Totally disgraceful what they are doing!


They have become a big part of the problem today .


Another example of CORPORATE GREED and the FKING of hard working REAL CITIZENS to PANDER to FEDERAL LAW BREAKERS.Isnt AIDING and ABETTING criminals a FELONY anymore?


These mother fuckers commit crimes and think they are heroes .

Any person who knowingly aids or assists any alien inadmissible under section 1182 (a) (2) (insofar as an alien inadmissible under such section has been convicted of an aggravated felony ) or 1182 (a) (3) (other than subparagraph (E) thereof) of this title to enter the United States, or who connives or conspires with any person or persons to allow, procure, or permit any such alien to enter the United States, shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

Catholic Charities is def one of the biggest contributors in aiding and abetting illegal aliens to enter the US.

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And Hispanic dummycrat JUDGES …

Texas Judge Orders Release of Illegal Immigrants Accused of Overrunning National Guard at Border

An El Paso magistrate judge ordered the release of Illegal immigrants accused of being involved in breaching Gov. Greg Abbott’s wire barriers and plowing through National Guard soldiers last month.

“It is the ruling of the court that all the rioting participation cases will be released on their own recognizance,” presiding Magistrate Judge Humberto Acosta said in the Easter ruling, reports the El Paso Times. Humberto Acosta* MFer

The arrests were made by the Texas Department of Public Safety in connection with a March 21 stampede of asylum-seeking migrants — mostly men from Venezuela — who torn down razor wire along the Rio Grande and rushed the border fence at Border Safety Initiative Marker No. 36 in the Riverside area of El Paso’s Lower Valley.

Some migrants face charges of assault of a public servant for knocking down Texas National Guard troops before order was regained. The migrants had sought to surrender themselves to U.S. Border Patrol in bids for asylum or other immigration relief.

In his ruling during an online teleconference bond hearing, the judge accused the El Paso District Attorney’s Office of not being prepared to move forward with detention hearings, the outlet noted.

Yeah this is a very big problem! We have a totally politicized justice system who don’t care about our country, thus this is how the country’s demise happens; from within!

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There are far too many of these dummycrat appointed turds . It’s ALL politiics !!!

This guy and many others are starting to voice their opinions!


Majority of Non-Citizen Households - Illegals, Green Card Holders - On Taxpayer-Funded Welfare: Study

If you’re a taxpaying American citizen, the stream of illegal aliens entering the country are living at your expense.

A new study indicates more than half of households headed by a non-citizen are receiving welfare benefits.

The Center for Immigration Studies analyzed the 2022 Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation to find the data.
“Analysis of this data shows both immigrants and the U.S.-born make extensive use of means-tested anti-poverty programs, with immigrant households significantly more likely to receive benefits,” the study, authored by Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler, concluded.

A 54 percent majority of immigrant households used at least one welfare program in 2022, according to the study. This figure includes those naturalized as U.S. citizens.

Even more migrant households use welfare benefits when those headed by a naturalized citizen are excluded.

A hefty 59 percent of households headed by either a green card holder or an illegal alien are on welfare, according to the study.

Migrants are eligible for some federal welfare benefits and access others through U.S.-born children – colloquially referred to as “anchor babies.”

The migrant tendency towards welfare use was observed throughout the socioeconomic spectrum.
“Somewhat surprisingly, we also find that immigrant higher-income, better-educated, and childless households are all more likely to use welfare than their U.S.-born counterparts.”

— Mark Krikorian (@MarkSKrikorian) December 21, 2023

The proportion of migrants on welfare considerably outpaces that of native-born U.S. citizens.

Study: Majority of Immigrant Households Use Welfare

59% of Illegal-Headed Households, 52% of Legal

Everyone says #ADOS are getting welfare.

The 39% of U.S. Born-Headed Households includes anchor babies. I’d like to know the percentage of Americans whose families have been here…

— Lucy Bibb :us: (@LucyBibb) December 21, 2023

Progressives and big business interests have long sought to make an economic argument for migration – arguing that migrants are more productive than Americans and offer a form of cheap labor for the ultra-wealthy.
The United States has broken annual records of illegal immigration under the administration of President Joe Biden, opening the floodgates for heightened levels of legal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to the Financial Times.

Large groups of asylum seekers have been “paroled” out of immigration detention with little more than a distant court date with an immigration judge.

NEW: Mass illegal crossings beginning in Brownsville, TX again in the RGV. This photo from a source on the ground 2 hours ago. The RGV had been fairly slow recently, but seems to be picking up again. CBP source tells me RGV sector had just under 1,500 illegal crossings yesterday.

Clay Higgins pretty much outlines the reason and the consequences of the Democratic party’s strategy on why allowing illegal immigration to go unfettered as it is.

You should watch and listen to this. It will start to make sense.

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Things are about to get interesting soon. Schummer is just an insufferable scumbag who needs to die already like Piglosi!

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Terrorist Tourism! This is being done on purpose and the commies don’t care about who they kill to get what they want. Let’s see the mob return!

Unless a home owner kills to protect his home then the liberals want his ass in jail forever !!!
MADISON (WKOW) – The homeowner involved in a [deadly shooting last week on Madison’s north side is now facing charges.

Court documents show Jose Malik Gomez was arrested following the shooting at his home on Packers Avenue.

Madison Police Department Chief Shon Barnes said a masked man forced his way into a home on the 1700 block of Packers Avenue where a man, woman and child were inside.
According to court documents, the homeowner, Jose M Gomez, shot and killed the suspect.

Now, Gomez is charged with illegally possessing the gun used in the homicide.

The criminal complaint states Gomez and his wife originally told police the intruder fired shots into their bedroom, and detectives said Gomez claimed his wife shot the intruder.

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