Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

Really they are all working for the cartels one way or another. Nothing passes through MX illegally into the US without them owning it or getting their cut.

You would have to ask the democons as they ignore anything to do with funding border security.


They go far beyond ignorning it and instead fight it tooth and nail while expanding programs that do nothing but attract more of the same illegals and make it easier for them to stay in the US.

You are absolutely right LouMan! I have traveled to a lot of countries in the course of my life time and it absolutely astonishes me that the US, especially the southern border is that it so easy to cross without being detected. I really hope that changes once the Wall is completed, as I have no doubt eventually it will get down, come hell or high water. The funny thing is, we were warned shortly after 9-11 that invaders will cross into the southern border, and they indeed did and continue to do so, which really begs the question what is the role of Homeland Security if they can not secure the Nation’s borders?

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Excellent new piece by Victor Davis Hanson.

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I went to see it myself.

Just south of Tucson, no one around, no wall, no border control.

Border security at it’s best.

It requires funding. Instead the finding they have is used for baby diapers and assisting illegals in their nw life in the US.

The U.S. Border Patrol’s busiest region on the southern border now expects to spend more than $20 million on consumable items and services for asylum-seekers , up from the $12.5 million it had budgeted for the year due to a continued surge of families illegally crossing into the United States, according to federal data obtained by the Washington Examiner.

Mother nature made most of the southern border from Texas to California all but impassible for most of our history but as Mexico’s infrastructure and transportation have improved that’s no longer the case.

When people had to walk hundreds of miles across burning and freezing deserts to get to the US border we had a natural deterrent.

Add all of the advancements that have been made to the cartels getting involved along with all of these NGO’s and “charities” promoting and enabling them and it adds up to us badly needing physical barriers and a heavy presence of armed border patrol along with top notch electronic monitoring.

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Yeah, I was near that border many years ago myself while visiting Organ Pipe National Monument which is less than 10 miles North of Nogales.

It seems to me in order to stop the bleeding from our funding issues, is to simply start taxing Western Union remittances. This is pretty outrageous when considering the drain currently on the American Tax payers, and imagine if allowed to continue how much more this will get out of hand. The country will go broke in no time!

Yep! Pretty accurate summation of how this has evolved in regards to our Southern border. The Good news there are other ways to start addressing this, and by having jobs with higher paying wages might start attracting more illegals to return to Mexico. If the economies of these countries start improving then its a win win for everyone. IMO, I hate the fact that we spend so much resources in other places, when we should be focused on our own back yard. Brazil for example, is starting to build a good relationship with the US, as also Columbia and I think we need to build on that, which also would serve to root out the CHICOM’s and Russians who have in recent years sought to exploit certain countries resources.

Their cut in money and human capital (in a sick sense).

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That’s pretty awesome. Now I wonder how difficult it would be to just to go the end of the wall to get around it.

In some locations it’s very easy but as more and more of it gets built it will be harder and harder.

Well, the trick is to keep adding to it, and now that the person who initiated the original crowd source funding for it, has proven he was not a grifter to enrich himself, more people may be more confident in contributing to building more wall! Keep adding to it with little attention as a major hurdle has just been defeated!

This is an interesting take! Dam! If this is true, then it’s not good!

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Certainly worthy of investigation and if true at a minimum he needs to be fired. If it can be found he’s been violating the law he needs to be charged and convicted.

More details of this is pretty damning and gives more insight as to why Trump called off the raid! McAleenan needs to be fired! WTF? How does Trump so blindly trust such ideologues as this guy to such an important post! This is a major screw-up! Trump needs to fix this ASAP and get on with the business of fixing this mess!

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If this is True Trump really needs to make an example of him with a public firing and tongue lashing.

If in leaking information he broke any laws I hope Barr burns him at the stake.