Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024


Yep, both and for the same purposes.

Once they establish even a small enclave then hundreds or thousands more will quickly follow.

In just 10-20 years they can completely change the demographics of a city or even region.

Note, during the original settlement of the US the same thing happened, people from a given country, culture, religion etc localized in their own communities across the country and stayed fairly isolated for generations, it’s natural.

The difference is, they weren’t displacing peace loving, law abiding Americans who built the country and turning it into something that more resembles Baghdad or Calcutta.

The locals however were equally unimpressed and we all saw how it turned out for them didn’t we?

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I was hoping I’d like DeSantis. Seems my hopes were well founded.

He is proving that Governors play an important role in the larger context of what freedom loving patriots are fighting for! He removed the election committee chair, fired Sheriff Israel, and now dropping the hammer on Sanctuary cities, and he is putting into place mechanisms that will insure that illegals will not get a free ride.

Israel should be under indictment as far as I’m concerned right along with the cowardly bastard that chose not to go after the shooter that day.

Governors can be a huge part of the equation good or bad. So far I like what I’m seeing.

Pretty rare for me to send money to fund a state race out of state but I made an exception in his case.

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Yep. Governors are very important

Not sure if this was even mentioned. (I have been on vacation, so I have a lot of catching up to read.)

Even though, this maybe “old news”. It’s about time Mexico is doing something about the epidemic of “human trafficking”. It has been a sore problem on both sides.

Progress is gradually being made. But both countries still have a lot of work to do. The gangs on both sides of the borders will not stop, but they need to be stopped.


We’ve never treated them like the “Clear and Present Danger”, or terrorists that they are.

We’ve spent four or five decades trying to deal with them through the CJ system as criminal enterprises which is why we keep losing the battle.

They are terrorists who pose a clear and present danger to the US and we should put the military to use destroying their means and ability to continue right up to and including droning their asses at home.

I was thinking about this earlier and was recalling what Tom Clancy predicted is already happening. Mexico is a Narco state, and the only way that illegal immigration is stopped is if the cartels are eradicated. The problem with the latter is that the Government is owned by the cartels and the US is the enabler. You can’t have one without the other. This is where elections have consequences part. Mexico will no doubt put all their chips as will the Chinese on getting Trump voted out of office come 2020. Even if Trump wins a second term they will no doubt wait it out until a Democrat is back in office and thus the cycle continues. The only way to fix this issue is if Mexico becomes a failed state and the US goes in and takes over either by proxy or a conflict that puts the two countries at war.

The hope is a wall is built and establishing a physical barrier between the two countries that will have a containment effect drastically reducing illegal crossing but also containing the shipment of drugs! Having a completed wall will no doubt be a big effect on the bigger strategy, but targeting the cartels should also be part of that strategy as well. If Mexico can ever rid itself from its own Stockholm syndrome that illegals will naturally start returning to their countries.

Today aid to other Latin American countries has officially stopped until further notice!


Another article on this matter! Should be interesting! I wonder, why announce it? Just freaking do it!

This is why car insurance rates keep going up! This is pretty sickening!

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Even eliminating the Cartels would not stop II but it would certainly change it and probably reduce it greatly.

Mexico has been corrupt since the first time they ran the Spanish out. The entire system is built on graft and blackmail.

The Cartels of today in reality are no different than the Banditos that operated along the border in the last two centuries.

They prey on our society north of the border and take the profits back to Mexico.

NAFTA was supposed to solve a lot of the problem by improving Mexico’s economy but all it’s done is shift the flow from Mexico to through Mexico from Central and South America.

MX has very tough immigration laws and protects it’s workers and taxpayers by keeping the illegals either out or moving through so they don’t become a burden on the state or take the Jobs Mexicans are willing to do.

Mexico has also always has a two tiered society, one for the very rich and one for everyone else with almost no middle class in between.

One of the biggest mistakes our forefathers ever made was in not taking all of Mexico and Central America when we had the chance.

If we’d taken it all, the resources, labor etc there would not be a country on earth that would have ever been able to compete with us economically and the US would have been able to control and pretty well dictate the development of S. America creating a North, Central, and South American Federation that would have been the strongest force in every way the world had ever known.


Correct, but not sure given the era and the lack of knowledge of the logistics involved would have been resource dependent.

People who are bitching about lack of transparency should really read this. I am posting this in another thread as well because its pretty interesting what this means and what its intentions are.

Indian girl migrant, dead along the US-Mexican border


It wouldn’t have been easy but we could have easily done it all the way up through the WWII era and arguably should have.

Remember, unlike England that had an ocean to cross every time they wanted to land a single troop or load of supplies we’d have had a land route the entire way.

If you can control both the shores and the seas even with 18th century transportation and technology such a campaign would have been very doable.

Once we reached the west coast we should have simply turned south, or arguably, should have at least taken Mexico shortly after the Texas Revolution just to secure the resources and eliminate a hostile enemy with a 2000 mile land border.

A simple reality of crossing harsh terrain in a hostile, hot, dry environment.

Remember, the death loss on wagon trains crossing our own SW in the late 1800’s averaged over 10%.

This shows how open our borders really are. Anyone in the world that wants to gain access to the US and can afford a ticket to Mexico can enter the US.

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And the fact that there are rampant human trafficking operations smugging in people continents away from the America.
