Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

Mayorkas is far from being the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Lets stop all this illegal nonsense and put them on planes , buses etc and send them back to theur country and put the AMERICAN TAXPAYER FIRST and FUK all.the negative PR.
Lets put some hungry alligators in the Rio Grande to DISCOURAGE swimming or wading across and add some pirranhas to the mix and see how the crossings are reduced.

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I’ll put this here since it pertains to this topic.

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Something is def not right about this situation, and in fact most Americans are unaware of something so sinister that is about to happen. Remember its 2024, a Presidential election year and I would suspect that we are about to encounter something that never have before.

Last night— Tenet Reporter


confronted multiple


officers about working a side gig where they are helping facilitate human smuggling at the Migrant Resource Center in San Antonio, TX. The officers are seen wearing their official SAPD uniforms, driving work vehicles and holstering their service weapons while accepting money from alleged Cartel sponsored NGO’s to guard the facility and check illegal migrants wristbands upon entry. We attempted to reach out to


for comment on the situation and received no response.


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What are you driving at? What is it?

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Illegal immigration is designed to break this country. Its Obama and his handlers plan. Called “Rules for Radicals,” or “Cloward Piven Strategy.” Take your choice but its with the same result in mind!



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The US Government hates its citizens, and this is proof.

“Y’all on your own!”

Do you think Amy Coney Barrett and John Roberts betrayed the Country today?

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We are done. Short of a mass uprising by the people, this country is done.


2 Trump appointees’ scumbag closet liberal turds !!!
Try to tell the citizens the SC isn’t 100 % political. . :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

I know! Its infuriating but something also tells me that someone has something on them and are being black mailed.

Wasn’t his name mentioned on Epstein Island too?

As far as Barrett is concerned, that for me was a hard one to figure out. She of course was not the one that I had hoped Trump would have chosen.

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Women are inherently bleeding hearts aka liberals !


I will join your camp after November. I am still holding out hope that something from left field will show up!


God help us if Thomas retires and the dems win in 24 ! :weary: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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That something is Trump. When the Left sees it’s hopeless for them, Trump will have an accident.

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