Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

Organised chaos. Which means money, planning, strategy, resources & an end goal.

It should never have come to this. And this will not do anything to change the policy of migrant care. Immigration has been weaponized against this nation & national security obliterated along with sovereignty, without the American people on both sides having any say.

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I find that hard to accept as being true. A nation without borders is not a nation at all.

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Do the Dems have registration centers to register illegals as Dems to vote

Well they have in some states allow illegals to get drivers licenses, which then register them to vote.

Meanwhile, the news from the border is gone from the media.

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Well, of course it is. It would prove inconvenient to actually report what is happening.

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Better people not know the extent of the invasion.

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What does apathy look like when Americans can’t be bothered to do something about it?

That’s a good question. I’m not convinced that full on apathy has set in…yet. I think Americans do care, for the most part. The problem, as I see it, is that Americans/we don’t know what to do about it. We can’t vote the problem/s out because the vote is meaningless now… if it ever wasn’t. We can’t get the one thing that 99.9% of all Americans want… term limits; because our hands are tied. After a while you just sort of shrug your shoulders and say WTF! I might as well just roll with it and live my life the best I can.

It’s hard not to be apathetical when you’re defeted before you even start.

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Before Americans figure it out it will be too late. Same with the UK and what was once Great Britain is no longer. Sweden? Same, and now it’s America’s turn. Not surprised that this happening either, not too long ago Americans were laughing at us when we were dealing with our immigration problems.


I hear you. It seems as if nothing the people say or do matters to these people “in charge”. Look at the parents standing up in school board meetings… they are shut down and escorted out for saying what any sane person would say about the bullshit that goes on in the class rooms.

90% (just my opinion) of this country KNOWS that the 2020 election was severely compromised, and the wrong guy was put in the White House. Jan 6 was the outcome of that. Never in the history of this country has anything like that happened after an “election”. It shows the people aren’t stupid… they KNOW what is happening. It just doesn’t matter!

It’s like there is a magical hand covering/protecting all these corrupt, evil people that perpetrate all these evil, disgusting policies/laws against us. I don’t know what the answer is. Short of a violent insurrection, I don’t think we the people can do anything about it. To be clear… I am in no way advocationg for such an insurrection… I just don’t see any other recourse at this time.