Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

I really hope there is justice some day for people like him! Sigh!

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You some of the people.

  1. The left won the election.
  2. Congress validated the election.

What remains, questions, fraud that was never investigated making the election valid.

Live with it. The left riots when they don’t get their way, the right lays down and takes it. Interesting how the left rioted burning, looting cities causing over 2 billion in damages and were given a pass. The right went to DC rioted in the capital and people are going to prison. A person was shot and murdered by the capital police and laugh and are not prosecuted. The right continues to lay down.

Disagree. complain, whine all you want as the right continues to take it.

Vote with Your Eyes, Ears, Mouths, and Wallets

By Jack Gleason

It’s now crystal-clear to anyone with half a brain that our entire election system is a farce — from who can register and how absentee ballots are mailed to empty lots to the lack of any meaningful chain of custody.

This is not some sort of accident or incompetence, but a concerted effort to take over our country in order to destroy it.

Who is doing this? There is a long list of people, groups, and countries who have interests in weakening America. Are they working together, or do they just have common interests? “The enemy of my enemy is my partner in crime.”

Here’s a short list of some of the actors involved.

George Soros, with hundreds of millions of dollars spent creating anti-American organizations and funding “no crime is worth jail time” prosecutors now covering 75% of the population, leading to the utter destruction of inner cities.

Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg have spent hundreds of millions to ensure Democrat election victories.

The Democrats have embarked on a plan to remove all election integrity checks and balances so they will not only win all future elections, but choose the most liberal candidates in every Democrat primary and the least electable candidate in Republican primaries.

The “Republicans.” RINOs actively fought Trump candidates in the primaries and cut their funding in the general elections. Their RNC leadership didn’t say a word about 2020 or 2022 election fraud in Arizona or other states.

The Chinese. We see their involvement across the board — most notably spending at least $10 million to pay off the entire Biden crime family. Add their control of the WHO to push insane COVID laws and the deadly “vaccines” and incessant spying and extortion of government officials.

Colleges indoctrinating their students with anti-American hatred, creating a new pool of mindless Democrat voters and campaign workers.

Government bureaucracies ruling by regulation to destroy small businesses and farms.

And the Fed eliminating the middle class with insane monetary policies that are robbing everyone of buying power and forcing families out of homeownership.

These individuals, groups, political parties, and foreign countries placed Biden (and Fetterman) into office despite the fact that he is beyond incompetent (Fetterman, too). The result? Almost everything pro-American, pro–free speech, pro-business, pro–middle class, pro–energy independence, pro–military morale and readiness, has been systematically dismantled since January 20, 2021.

Who ends up actually in charge at the end is up to debate, but it won’t be we. Their goal is control of everything for their own purposes. They already control 95% of what you see — on television and the internet, what you hear — on radio and music, what you say — on social media, in public forums, and, if they can create a government crypto-currency, they will control every penny you spend.

What to do? Our only choice, while we still can, is to use our own eyes, ears, mouths, and wallets to fight back.


Television and the internet are already lost. Witness the almost complete silence on the Comer Committee press conference detailing the 20 fake corporations the Biden crime family has set up to funnel over $10 million (and counting) from foreign governments.

Thank goodness that there are a few websites willing to post videos about the truth. Here’s a video that shows the entire Comer press conference.

FOX news, the only remaining news outlet that carried conservative content, has gone to the dark side. Any remaining “free speech” is carefully controlled.

Tucker Carlson’s ouster was the last straw, but he is resurfacing on Twitter. I’m sure he’ll have a lot to say!

Read conservative articles and books, watch conservative movies, and get your news from conservative websites such as American Thinker, Canada Free Press, RedState, Daily Signal, Daybreak Insider, Brighteon, Judicial Watch, the New York Sun, and Town Hall. Share what you learn with your families and friends via email and on the new Twitter.

The internet is a great source of information, but search engines are controlled to return biased results. Try


Listen to talk radio, podcasts. Share.

Listen to new songs that promote freedom and American values.


Talk! Talk to your family, friends, and strangers. Ask, “Are you happy with the direction of our country?”

When they say, “Not really,” follow up with “Why?” and “Tell me more” and then “What do you think we can do about it?”

Pick a few topics you are interested in and become more knowledgeable so you can discuss the state of our country and start changing minds.

Thank police officers and those in the military for their service.


America is the richest country in the world. But we don’t realize that where we spend our money is actually supporting anti-American policies.

Large corporations are caught between a rock and a hard place. They are huge targets for government regulations, especially banks. And government bureaucracies are using their power to force them to follow leftist mandates, even when they are contrary to good business practices, or even common sense. A regulator can arbitrarily open a case against a corporation for any of a thousand reasons and cost it billions of dollars in fees, fines, or litigation.

But what will cost them even more is a rebellion of their paying customers.

The good news is that this is already happening.

Many people try to buy American and avoid anything “Made in China.”

Bed Bath & Beyond tossed out MyPillow products, which started a silent boycott. The company is now bankrupt, and its leases are being sold to other businesses.

Conservatives have left FOX News. FOX’s ratings took a hit.

Anheuser-Busch’s appeal to wokeness and the transgenders was an absolute disaster. Its sales have tanked, and now its efforts to take back conservative customers have angered the woke community!

Here’s a new website that helps you understand which companies are captives of woke policies, ESG, and climate change hysteria.

Americans spend $800 billion on primary and secondary education and over $300 billion on colleges. Most have their main goal to indoctrinate our children and destroy our families.

Take your kids out of public schools and find ways to homeschool them with other parents. Support laws that allow parents to use money they send in for public schools to fund private schools and homeschooling. Don’t send your kids to liberal colleges.

Billions of dollars are being funneled into both political parties from illegal sources. There is no reason to send money to the RINO GOP. Boycott any campaign that uses WinRed to collect funds.

Instead, donate to conservative organizations and those determined to expose the truth — James O’Keefe, Judicial Watch, Heritage Foundation. And, of course, send a few bucks to President Trump’s Save America PAC.

Donate to conservative candidates for sheriff, city council, and school boards. Or run for office yourself.

We are far from powerless! Use your eyes, ears, mouths, and wallets to fight back against the forces determined to take away our freedoms — while you still can.

Blame the correct person, BIDEN. Mayorkas serves at the pleasure of BIDEN or whoever is calling the shots.

I am living with it. So are you. You keep harping on Trump lost. Because Congress validated it?
You KNOW that Trump won and shady shit prevailed to keep him from a 2nd term. Deep down, I think you like the outcome because it gives credibility to your opinion that most of America hates DJT. I don’t think most Americans hate him… I see way too much support on a weekly basis, in my state alone, to believe that.

The rest of your post may be true, but it has nothing to do with the corrupt 2020 election. John Kennedy would have a field day questioning you…lol. You talk in circles and never answer anything… you just post other things instead of a straight answer. I get it… you don’t like Trump. I don’t either, but he’s all we have unless someone else with balls steps up… and that isn’t DeSantis, as he’s every bit as hated as you claim Trump to be.

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Bring back Pinnochet!

The left has riots

and the Right has had camps where people disappear. The pendulum always swings the other way! Eventually!

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What are you talking about? Biden aint doing Sh*T.

He is just an empty suit that poops in his pants daily and is being control from other traitors from behind the scenes. Mayorkas does not serve Biden, he is part of the cabal serving darker sinister masters. When we say Evil vs. Good, that is what this is all about.

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This is our lesson and everyone should watch this short video!

If you are not disgusted by this then you are not paying attention!

The dems played it perfectly. They delayed until it was to late.

The GOP played it poorly. They should have been out there investigating fraud and with proof taken it to court.

The polls say differently.

And as long as the GOP supports him you will have him and only him.

This one I will agree with you 100%. There were too many on the take that prevented that from happening. Governors, Judges, and a lot of deep state in-betweens. I do believe Mike Lindell had the proof.

How many people died for the cause?

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His name is on the bottom regardless of who is puling his strings.

Title 42 ends: Democrats split on handling of immigration after expiration of border policy

by Asher Notheis, Breaking News Reporter |

May 13, 2023 01:22 PM

Democratic response to the end of the border policy has been mixed, as Democratic mayors and congressional members have asked for additional federal support for their cities and districts, while some members of the party have blasted President Joe Biden’s lack of preparation for the policy’s end.

“It’s a tough issue because it’s a complex issue,” said Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX). “We want to talk about the multifaceted approach that it takes to address this.”

Title 42 was enacted in March 2020 under former President Donald Trump as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The policy officially expired on May 11 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.

The division among Democrats comes as a Title 42 replacement plan by President Joe Biden, who had criticized the policy during his 2020 election campaign, includes a rule that would make immigrants who do not apply for protection on their way to the Southern border ineligible for asylum within the U.S. The replacement plan has been criticized by members of Biden’s own party.

“The transit ban is a problem,” said Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY). “The traditional asylum-seeking model should not be altered or mutilated with these new policies.”

Migrants are processed by immigration officials at the Fronton Cemetery #2 after they crossed the Texas-Mexico border, Friday, May 12, 2023, in Fronton, Texas. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Julio Cortez/AP

Some Democrats have sided with Republicans in criticizing the president’s handling of the border, with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) being one of them. In a statement on Thursday, Manchin depicted the Biden administration’s two years of planning for this day as a failure that would be fully realized in the coming days.

“While I do not support every provision, Republicans in the House of Representatives are at least working on a border security bill to fill the leadership vacuum created by this Administration,” said Manchin. "Our country cannot maintain our superpower status if we cannot control our own border.”

Ahead of Title 42’s expiration, Manchin called for the passing of a bipartisan solution that he introduced last week alongside Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Jon Tester (D-MT), Susan Collins (R-ME), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and John Cornyn (R-TX). The bill these eight senators are sponsoring, Senate Bill 1473, will “authorize the immediate expulsion of inadmissible aliens attempting to enter the United States by fraud or without a necessary entry document, and for other purposes.”

Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ), who earlier this year announced his candidacy for Sinema’s Senate seat, also recently urged the Biden administration to ramp up resources for border communities and boost transparency.

A group of nuns distribute food to migrants resting rest along the train tracks in Huehuetoca, Mexico, Friday, May 12, 2023, as they look to board a freight train heading north, the day after U.S. pandemic-related asylum restrictions called Title 42 were lifted. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)

“I’ve heard directly from leaders in our border communities, and it’s abundantly clear that they, through no fault of their own, are simply unequipped to handle the surge of migrants that are expected when Title 42 ends,” Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) said in a statement released with a letter to Biden on the policy. “With Title 42 set to end on May 11, we need the Biden administration to act, and to act fast.”

Several major Democratic cities, including New York City, Chicago, and Washington D.C., have had to grapple with buses that have been sent from Texas carrying dozens of migrants. On Thursday, a bus carrying 30 immigrants from Texas arrived at Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence mere hours before Title 42 expired.

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Maybe Bidet will give a contract to Uber to transport illegals to cites.

Illegals spreading scabies through buses, planes, Border Patrol source warns -Report

By Monica Showalter

Illegal immigrants, who travel for thousands of miles through mud, jungles, rivers, cargo boxcars, unsanitary third-world city streets, and other inhospitable places before crossing into the U.S., can bring with them a lot more than just COVID.

According to independent journalist Michael Yon, who has been traveling the migrant routes to the U.S. border:

We already know that they get onto buses, and good luck to the people who have no choice but to ride that method of transport that leftists are always trying to push Americans into.

But it also appears to be true that illegals are somehow getting onto commercial aircraft – two days ago, I took a flight from the border city of San Diego to Denver, and was astonished to see the last seats filled in by a line of single weathered young men speaking Spanish and carrying raggedy backpacks who very much appeared to be recent border crossers. If it’s true they were illegal border crossers, then yes, it appears likely that after some rough travel, they could have had scabies and spread them to the next person who took their seats on the plane.

Of course, any person who sleeps rough could, but we normally don’t see those people on planes. One wonders what mechanism exists that permits illegal border crossers to get onto commercial planes, and how many people may catch scabies as a result.

And it’s worth noting that illegals bring in all sorts of diseases as they cross illegally into the U.S. – COVID, tuberculosis, leprosy, leishmanosis, flu… But scabies, unlike those other afflictions, some contagious, is pretty common and pretty closely linked to environmental factors, all of which involve rough travel and sleep, which is what nearly all illegals do.

I looked up how people get scabies and how long the scabies “itch mites” can last on surfaces and be transmissable. I found this item on the CDC website:

Scabies usually is spread by direct, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact with a person who has scabies. Contact generally must be prolonged; a quick handshake or hug usually will not spread scabies. Scabies is spread easily to sexual partners and household members. Scabies in adults frequently is sexually acquired. Scabies sometimes is spread indirectly by sharing articles such as clothing, towels, or bedding used by an infested person; however, such indirect spread can occur much more easily when the infested person has crusted scabies.

This should be used to anger some people!

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Texas stepping up!

What have I been saying? Now someone is coming out an openly admitting it.

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