Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

As well he should have. The dems waited until people were out of town and knew the remains would pass it.



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Activist judges at work.
Federal district judges aren’t emperors for the whole United States. Congress and the Supreme Court should both remind them of that reality.

By issuing putatively national injunctions, Attorney General William Barr said in a May 21 speech to the American Law Institute: “One judge can, in effect, cancel the policy with the stroke of the pen. No official in the United States government [rightly] can exercise that kind of nationwide power, with the sole exception of the president. And the Constitution subjects him to nationwide election, among other constitutional checks, as a prerequisite to wielding that power.”

The subject arises because, on issue after issue, liberal district judges have blocked President Trump’s executive orders or rules promulgated by his administration. The most prominent example occurred when Trump ordered an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals immigration program. Even though DACAwas created out of thin air by an executive memorandum by President Barack Obama, three separate district judges ruled that Trump could not undo it using the same presidential power. All three said their orders apply nationwide.


…and the judges never won an election…they were appointed. No American electorate voted them in…nor can we take them out.

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Yeah, based on this entire argument it seems absurd and SCOTUS might have to step in! This is getting way out of control with these judges! They are basically political appointees and not judges that rule with the law! Barr is right and they need to be stopped with a higher court! These judges are undermining Presidential Powers and are not more powerful than the president when it comes to National security issues! WTF?


Well I guess this is progress in addressing the treasonous judges.


Most sound like jilted lovers when they discovered Trump isn’t secretly a raving racist, KKK, Neo Nazi.

I also strongly suspect many of them are simply democrats doing all they can to try and breakup the “Trump Coalition” going into 2020.

The truth is we’ve not had a president as dedicated to securing our borders in forty years. No other candidate as serious about it was electable in 2016 and so far none have risen that could be elected in 2020 other than Trump that would even be a tenth as dedicated to securing the border as Trump.

The only way to remove them is through impeachment and it’s one of the rarest things to happen in our system.

Barr hit a home run with this one. It’s time the SCOTUS put an end to judges doing this.

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Or unfortunate circumstances. Of course I am being crass here, I would never endorse something that the Democrats are guilty of doing, it only loses the moral ground in the larger fight! That being said, removing them may not be the fix, but having a higher court establish the rule of law might!

The reason why no one wanted to address immigration was because both parties belong to the same social country club that has benefited from the cheap labor and the Chinese bribes that took advantage of the loo holes of NAFTA. (see Koch Brothers) There is literally trillions at stake, and if you want further proof that this issue is on most politicians minds in DC, just look at Nutty Nancy’s most recent presser when she talks about NAFTA being renamed to USMC!

Yep, exactly why I never even hint at such things.

If a leftwing judge drives off of a bridge tomorrow the left will be attributing it to a rightwing conspiracy to take out their judges.

No need to give the conspiracy nutts any ammo.

Great segment from Tucker!

Tucker has been right on throughout his career with reference to border security and immigration.

Consider that under the law the president has unquestioned authority to declare an emergency and under the same law the authority to use DOD construction funds for the purposes of alleviating that emergency there are zero legal or constitutional grounds for this decision.

Any judge who’s decision goes so abjectly contrary to the law and constitution has violated their oath and should be removed from office.

This shouldn’t even be a partisan issue of any kind, simply a matter of the fact the judge has violated his oath and decided the case on his own politics rather than the law with no bias or prejudice.

When the judiciary is no longer bound by law itself they are no longer jurists, they are simply petty dictators.

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Barr is completely correct and the SCOTUS needs to resolve it quickly.

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Yep! No doubt! Question is will the SCOTUS step in to correct this gross injustice?

I think if the right case comes up this court is likely to.

There’s nothing in The Constitution that allows for a district court judge to issue a nationwide restraining order. It’s pretty cut and dried.

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What will Liberals say about one of their own? Trump to enforce a law already on the books that was created by Clinton! I think if this is enforced, it not only is going to leave a mark but might start changing the way others have been behaving in regards to exploiting the cheap labor.