Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

It’s not just the wall.

It requires funding for more judges, people to pick up the people and deport them when ordered.

They need to tough the asylum laws.

The need to address all the illegals in this country and begin deporting them regardless of how long they hav been here.

We had an illegal kill a policeman. They finally got him from Mexico. He’s in jail a newly minted gang member.

His illegal girlfriend remains in the US as she has an anchor baby. Lives in the sanctuary shithole, Denver.

This is one of the major threats in which can not be allowed. Quarantine is a another idea to consider that trump can use in order to stop this mass invasion!

This is an interesting look at Texas Front line Mayor in the border crisis.

Democrats are banking the entire future of the Democratic Party on Hispanic votes. As such they would totally open the borders and grant amnesty to all illegals if they could no matter what the cost to the US as a whole.

We have no way to quarantine even a significant percentage of the illegals currently trying to get in or who are on their way.

ICE and the BP simply have no where to put them all.

To even make a significant dent in removing the Illegals in the country we’d need to expand ICE by at least ten fold and add at least a thousand more immigration judges and courts to deal with them.

ICE is the sole agency with jurisdiction to enforce immigration laws in the interior and there’s only around 10,000 ice agents in the entire country most of whom are working at our legal ports of entry.

Just a quick question…
The U.S. by the mid-1980s, an estimated 3 to 5 million noncitizens were living unlawfully in the country. (I am sure a third of that would count for Hispanics and other South Americans.) Why didn’t the Democrats “bank the entire future” then?

Because the white middle class and union workers were still enough of the population to keep them in power. That is no longer the case. The unions that used to bankroll them are all either gone completely or a mere shadow of their former selves and Hispanic/Latinos will be a majority in the US in another generation.

Illegals today make up probably around 10% of the US population and their kids are the fastest growing demographic in the US.

Trade unions have no power today outside of a few states because we’ve sent most of our manufacturing jobs overseas.

The White middle class blue collar workers has become an ever shrinking portion of the population since the seventies.

Democrats are bent on expanding gov’t jobs because they are still deep in the pockets of the “public sector unions” and vice versa and with Hispanic/Latinos soon to be the majority in the US democrats are looking far into the future.

Between expanding the gov’t sector and it’s unions and creating a permanent dependent underclass of poor Hispanics they believe this is their future.

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WASHINGTON—Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan has approved the transfer of $1.5 billion to build more than 80 miles of barriers on the border with Mexico, U.S. officials said on May 10, including taking about $600 million from an account meant for Afghan security forces.

“The funds were drawn from a variety of sources, including cost savings, programmatic changes, and revised requirements, and therefore will have minimal impact on force readiness,” Shanahan said in a statement.

Shanahan said that the U.S. military had more than 4,000 service members on the border, along with 19 aircraft.


38% of voters are certified idiots!

One would think that with a large majority the government would do what the people want yet here we are, the left blocking all efforts to deport and keep illegals out of the country.

Naaa… they are looking out for themselves. They are illegals and family of illegals and employers of illegals and lawyers of illegals and store owners who cater to illegals and …

In reality it is the bureaucrats who run the federal gov’t, not the POTUS, Elected Rep’s, or appointed department and agency heads. Federal employees are overwhelmingly democrat so it only makes sense that they will do all they can to stifle the president’s agenda.

Want to talk about certified Idiots?


With only one media outlet giving it any substantial coverage that’s no surprise. The rest are pretending everything is just fine and this is all a "Trumped’ up crisis.

Most of the media outlets - mostly MSM - were giving “Trumped” up reports when we had the migrant caravans from Central America countries back in the Winter and last year. Most were mostly funded by Pueblo Sin Fronteras.

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It’s a ping pong game. One judge questions, another judge blocks funding.

…and if you’ve already guessed it was a liberal California judge, you’d be right.

…and some people on this forum are ignorant in claiming Trump is at fault for the slow progress of border wall construction.


You are pretty much hitting the mark on this observation! I don’t even bother with these people who it appears are fair weather fans, and not real supporters who are in the fight!

On the topic, it was predictable that once Trump declared a National Emergency that he was going to encounter the swamp and being bogged down with legal challenges! Hopefully things will start to change once the treason issue starts revealing who the traitors in congress are and I am willing to bet some will be singing and changing their tune once charges are brought up and they see that they are no longer a protected class!

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