Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/12/2024

Of all people, I would trust that you know that pain is relative. A paper cut or splinter hurts like hell, until you hit your finger with a hammer…

The pain from the illegal invasion, and its enablers that live comfortably on the coasts, is growing exponentially. I read that the Dimwit Gov of NM recently was in DC saying “No Mas!”

Yeah! After she removed the the border security in state, her state border suddenly became overwhelmed with illegal migrants flooding in and was recently in DC begging for money! Priceless! What a dimwit is right, but most importantly she got caught at her own political game that makes her out to look rather foolish with hat in hand!

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IF you want to have a good laugh while banging your head on something watch the bit above about the Mayor of Sunland Park.

The immigration problem has been like slow boiling a frog. Until it started to boil over most people just did’t consider it to be a problem.

Pain is certainly relative, and Mexico will be feeling it much more than we will.

Next he should slap a huge tax of 30% or more on all remittances to Mexico that are not being sent to US citizens.

The first I’d be fine with rescinding when we get the desired level of cooperation from MX, the second should be permanent.

I’d favor the same on any remittances to China and other countries we have a serious illegal immigration problem with.

You can bet the Republican running for Governor and every republican running for state legislature seats next year will make that a big part of their campaigns.

This should have been the first tool in the arsenal used. Why its taken so long is rather confounding to say in the least and its where TRUMP gets the most criticism for not taking more aggressive measures to head this mass invasion off at the pass!

Because instead of a shot across the bow it’s a torpedo dead center.

Those remittances make up over 30% of their GDP, more than even their petroleum industry.

Implementation would put MX into a depression overnight.

It should have been done long ago before those remittances became so crucial to the economy.

A Mexico in economic collapse would cause the greatest rush on our border in the nation’s history.

You are a bad man, and I intend that in the best sense! :sunglasses:

And so they should! Incompetence when one rules from ideology rather than from common sense will eventually expose the fraudulent leadership of people who engage in such behavior. It has no place in our politics!

Some day, the people that oppose Trump will truly fear him. He tells you where he is going, then he slowly, like a horror movie monster, finds a way to get there.

If Trump finds a way to shut down the border disaster, against all the Dem headwinds, the election will be a wipe-out.

Note: I was a Cruz voter in the 2016 election, but as the song goes: “You can’t always get what you want…”


Even if he doesn’t it may be a wipeout since he can run against the democrats who have sold the country out to illegals.

A much larger percentage of Americans are aware today than were in 2016 because he’s continually put the evidence out for the public.

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Just heard on FNC, the Mayor of Sunland Park was forced to rescind his order and reissue the permits. Construction is back on.


Perea sayid that when construction started, it was unclear who had jurisdiction over the project, but the City has since confirmed it has sole jurisdiction.

Perea said the project was not properly vetted by the city beforehand.

The issues that still need to be corrected are as follows:

  • Pedestal plans need a stamp of approval from a certified New Mexico engineer.
  • Grading and drainage plans need a stamp of approval from a certified New Mexico engineer.
  • Foundation plans need a stamp of approval from a certified New Mexico engineer.
  • Subcontractor for electrical plans needs a stamp of approval from a certified New Mexico engineer.
  • An environmental impact study needs to be conducted.

The environmental impact study has me scratching my head. For large communities, sure. But a wall?

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Some are itching for a fight! I say lets go! The sooner we get this shut down the better, and if the Mexican Drug lords want to test the US military then that is fine by me, give the authority to our troops to engage, and watch the drugs lords live to regret it!

Speaking of which, there was some interesting details that emerged in regards to this build of the wall section. Apparently 60 security specialists were hired, and even at that it was the cartels who were trying to intimidate workers and also the ones behind the Mayor pulling the permits. According to other reports this is a heavily drug smuggling area:

They hired about 60 armed security guards.Before they started construction their private security had to drive 4 heavily armed cartel members off the property and back into Mexico. One night 15 heavily armed cartel members tried to intimidate construction crews.

After that the cartel got the corrupt major of Sunland to cancel their work permit due to incomplete paperwork successfully delaying construction for 36 hours.

All through construction, people continued to pour across the construction site!

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Did you see this? :rofl:

The video shows all of the pathways that are used to cross.

19 different foot trails cut off by this wall.

  • 100-200 K per day in drugs and human trafficking.
  • 17 days ago when the project started 450 crossings per night. Down to zero in the past 8 days.



It does’t fit with their agenda so obviously it won’t be reported on.

Now if a kid on our side of the border gets a cold or a case of diarrhea while in custody Trump is completely responsible and worse than Mengele’.

But remember, walls don’t work. Right?

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No I did not! Is this suppose to be satire?

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