Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/12/2024

From your article:

Project 21 member Melanie Collette said taxpayers should be frustrated about the fact that it took Trump”to issue a memorandum to compel the enforcement of federal laws already on the books.”

“The 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act makes clear that it is reasonable to expect immigrants’ sponsors to reimburse the American people for their expenses," she said. “And the establishment of a merit-based immigration system is not a matter of American selfishness - it’s an acknowledgment of what makes America exceptional.”

“This is a move that should be welcomed by those providing social services, because it will ensure American citizens who need assistance are not pushed aside. Noncitizens are draining resources meant for those who have already helped pay for them," Project 21 member Emery McClendon said in a statement.

“We must reserve these services for Americans first and foremost because they were created to give our own a hand-up in hard times. Yet the system currently turns away our own and places others ahead of them because of a failure to enforce the law,” McClendon added.

I agree completely, it is a travesty that it’s taken this long for the law to be enforced.

60% of “immigrant families” today are on at least one form of welfare and that rises to 70% for those who have been here for a decade or more.

This is the antithesis of everything that made this country great, namely rugged individualism, self sacrifice, and self sufficiency.

Of course the democrats and their willing accomplices in the media will once again, as always be screaming “racism”.

They can scream all they want, but this was passed by one of their own, so opposing enforcement of it will only make them look more hypocritical than they already are. This is what winning looks like!

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This is rather a nice story and the progress that is being made on the Southern border wall. More private donations and this wall is getting built, and its being done in secrecy too. Love it!

Doesn’t matter, when Clinton does it, it’s sound policy, when Trump does it, it’s racist.

One guy raised over 16m on a crowdfunding site. When he first listed his cause asking for donations democrats labeled him a loon and bet he wouldn’t raise 50.00. Once he hit about a million though they quit laughing. When he hit 10 million they started looking at ways to get an injunction to stop him.

To counter other dem’s have started go fund me pages to pay for ladders and digging tunnels under the way. Both should be arrested on charges of criminal conspiracy and whatever else they can think of.

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Probably paid for by the drug cartels! I agree, no mercy for these treasonous rats!


I was glad to see they are actually constructing the walls. There were rumblings about where the money went. They kept it on the low down so as to not have activists and open border crowds cause disruptions.

Anyone who donates for a ladder has to be all kinds of stupid. After Border Patrol picks them all up, maybe they can donate them to the crews who are building the walls.


To all the snowflakes and so called Trump supporters out there who read too many Ann Coulter books, this is why the Wall is not completed. We have partisan a$$holes like these trying to subvert federal law, the will of the people, and National security. I am getting tired of libtards like this mayor, who is probably taking drug money from Mexico to look the other way!

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And then they put the illegals on buses to other cities to light their financial responsibility.

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Freaking hypocrites! Every single last one of them!

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They didn’t have permits and the construction plans/application were not sufficient.

Where I live that is a BIG deal and taken very seriously by the county.

Sometimes, you can submit information after the fact and get it approved. I do hope they submit all of the construction documents, complete the application properly so that the permit is approved.

For a construction company of this scale, I would think they would have attorney’s on hand for this very reason. No doubt they are very well versed in the permitting process as well as having engineering specs/structural specs, etc.

Which makes me wonder…

It would be interesting if they knew by going this route it could be torn down which would spark considerable outrage in America… :thinking:

Well under normal circumstances I can see your point, but this isn’t a normal fence that borders a neighbourhood or neighbours yard, it’s the country’s national border so there has to be a loophole in this issue that gives the owner an option to permit the federal government to secure the border. I was reading in this same article where city ordinances prohibit a fence being no more than 6 feet high and wondering how in the world will that work when it comes to securing a national border? I see a legal fight here in which the city loses!


As I said, a company of this size has to have attorney’s advising them.

The Federal Government constructing the walls vs. a private citizen may be where the difference lies. IDK if the Federal Government has to go through the same permitting process as a private citizen.

It will be interesting to see how this pans out.


Well some interesting developments as t relates to Trump trying to address this horrible crisis by introducing tariffs. Also this could get worse as the treasury is yet to announce the entire remittance payment issue that should be used as a way to get Mexico to pay ball.

Major announcement on immigration coming soon!


Oh looky here! Just as I suspected it, the motives are becoming more clear.

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Correct, it’s a BS political move. The city has no jurisdiction on the border due to supremacy and the fact all of the access is on private land.

This won’t stand up in court.

And he made it. An instant 5% tariff added to all Mexican Imports until the Mexican Gov’t starts acting to stop these caravans.

Tariffs hurt everyone, but the level of pain the US is under due to this unchecked illegal migration/invasion needs to be felt in Mexico.

Time to tighten down the screws.


Upwards of 150bn annually, deflated labor markets, serious problems with our schools and completely undermining that it is to be American.

I think we can afford the tariff pains.

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