South Carolina CSX Train Derailment

Congratulations America! It looks like the “Build Back Better” plan touted by President Joe Biden is moving full speed ahead. About an hour ago, a CSX train carrying chemicals derailed in Enoree, SC.

There isn’t much news out there yet, as I am sure Mayor Pete and his friends in the media are working diligently to cover this up. As this gets worse, expect to hear about more UFOs getting shot down by our useless F-22s.

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These are textbook asymmetrical warfare tactics: meat plants, egg farms, power plants, domestic pipelines, train derailments, fentanyl, and balloons… these are attacks by China and Russia.

This is the secret war before we get to the hot war.

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Biden is just letting Russia and China know that this country isn’t worth invading.


Thank God we have Mayor Pete in a federal cabinet-level position to handle these kinds of situations that are clearly a national concern.

I’m sure his experience in checks notes getting fucked in the ass, will be of great service to our country.

There’s another derailment in Texas.

Ah yes, the wonderful world of trains and their penchant for derailing – it’s like clockwork. You can almost set your watch by it.

Train derailments are a textbook sabotage operation. The CIA trained paramilitaries and guerillas to do it during the Cold War.

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Meh - it might also have to do with Biden forcing the railroad workers back to work when they were trying to strike over shitty work conditions and unsafe practices by the big rail companies to cut corners pretty much everywhere. Exactly what they warned about is happening.

I totally agree, but not by Russia and China. Try again! By Obama, Soros, Bill Gates funded by WEF. In other words this is being done deliberately by our own Government.

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That’s what people haven’t figured out. Our food supply, water supply, and infrastructure has been under attack. I don’t know if it is these WEF lunatics or the Chinese and Russians, but our government is complicit.

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Some of us has seen this coming for quite some time and have been warning others like a dog whistle. Compound that with open borders and you have the Cloward Piven strategy being implemented by the left.

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A lot more train derailments then media is reporting, including attacks on America’s power grids. The question needs to be asked is who is behind these attacks. Not a coincidence!

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.


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No way! This all part of a larger collective effort to destroy the country’s food source, poison its people, with the purpose of creating fear and dependency. A apathetic public does nothing. Waiting for the war from within.


Officials said that this was a controlled detonation. Think about that for a sec!

The risks involved
in a decision to
detonate explosives
to trigger those
damaged tankers
to explode…
in East Palestine
instead of cooling
the area and transferring
the contents
into waiting
empty tankers…


Most people don’t believe we’re currently under attack in our own countries because the tv hasn’t told them so.

And that’s exactly why they’ve spent so much time, effort, and money hijacking the entire western media.


The way the epa treated this mostly white town, Is fucked up, just die off you republican area

3 train derailments in a week is too big of a fuck up to be ignored. Somebody needs to be fired at least. Like that homo transportation secretary.

Maybe if he spent more time doing his job instead of molesting kids we wouldn’t have these problems.


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Interesting that sabotage and diversity create similar results.

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