So where does BLM stand on this? Does this piece of shit matter? Not to me.
I’m really tired of the media ignoring crap like this and being hyper focused on the less than 0.1% of the cops that commit a murder. Kind of the same way that they ignore the massive number of murders committed by blacks with handguns and focus like a laser on murders committed with rifles (less than 1%)… it promotes their agenda and people are too stupid to catch on.
There is going to come a point when the average person in this country has had enough. When that happens, and the pot finally boils over, it’s going to be a mess like no one has ever seen.
NC is much safer. The stepdaughter bought a house, which means it was cheap. Which means it was likely in a not-so-nice neighbourhood. I could buy a house for $100 in detroit or chicago, but it sure as hell doesn’t mean it’s a good life decision. I’d have to hire security to be at my place basically 24/7, and those costs would eclipse paying $300k for a place that isn’t riddled with crime.
Well, we do live in a society that is sending the message that only black lives matter. If you say white lives matter it’s racist. If you say all lives matter it’s racist. Anyway, another fender bender gone wrong, nothing to see here. Move along please
Actually, the message from BLM is that only black lives taken by police matter. They ignore the hundreds upon hundreds of black lives snuffed out in black-on-black gang shootings. They also ignore the fact that George Floyd killed himself with a drug overdose. They also ignore the fact that “hands up-don’t shoot” was a LIE!
Well they represent 17% of the population and commit 80% of the murders what does that say ? Any area in which there is 40% blacks crime is high , murder is high , whites are targets end of story !
It’s 13% and 50% but again, 8,500 murders by blacks each year, 43,000,000 blacks. It’s barely 0.1% of blacks that murder so let’s not pretend it’s all of them.
It takes only one incident, whether it is correctly portrayed by the media or not…to launch riots, looting and destruction of property by mob action in the form of “peaceful protests”. The toll is already in the BILLIONS of dollars…and has cost several lives, including that of David Dorn, an exceptional BLACK MAN!
I believe the 13% figure is correct, down from 17% a couple decades ago.
Cuomo kept the abortion mills open in NY as essential services.
I don’t see BLM demonstrating in front of Planned Parenthood.