Some Suggestions for Site Usage during COVID-19

Sure will do! I just got tired of going to one thread and wading through all the conspiracy nonsense.

Welp…guess I have to do this right now :crazy_face:


Quick question - now that there are additional “official” categories independently started by @Dr_Manhattan - why are there so many additional Coronavirus threads being created and not being put in those categories?


Obviously some people are not interested in getting close to the truth of the situation.

That was what I was worried about when this discussion started. Generally, the only people who should be starting official threads are me, Kelly, or Patriot so that users see it was created by a moderator. That alone sends a signal to the users to follow the rules of the official threads. Considering that we are a small business, without many paying customers at the moment, we have had to spend more time than usual away from the site taking care of our families. This makes moderating these new official threads and related content more of a challenge than usual (and it’s already hard based on our commitment to free speech).

The problem with threads being created related to COVID-19 and not being categorized appropriately or posted in existing threads is user discipline. People like starting their own threads and don’t want to necessarily be boxed in by someone else’s. It’s a constant challenge.

Really, it’s just a matter of me finding the time to sit down for a few hours, go through all of the threads that have been created, and organize things appropriately. I just haven’t had a few hours to do that recently for obvious reasons.


Sorry Tyfoon I was just trying to help out and couldn’t wait instead of posting Radom stuff in another rabbit hole where it’s just all over the place in terms of its focus.

It’s fine. I’m just trying to manage the expectations of others.

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So what you’re saying is your impatience created more work for others. :+1:

How so? I basically took the ideas offered here and created those threads with the intent to be focus specific. If people want to expand on exploring alternative views they can also go to the general thread.

I believe the intent was to make less work for others as well as a more narrowed focus on interests. :wink:

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Clever people should be using this site for gathering information not found in mass media.

Not that such information is always correct, but we still don’t know everything about the virus. (So many conflicting reports even in mass media.)

One thing is for sure. This virus is not exactly what mass media tells you it is.

Sorry but you Nor anybody has a monopoly on truth, so please stop your whining and trying to turn every thread into another rabbit hole with non related conspiracy topics. Some of us want to discuss topics that is news related not more of insane ■■■■ or bill gates centric ones.

Can you have a word with didgevillage?

He is now resorting to this behaviour

Official Coronavirus Thread - The Next Airborne Misery - Open General ☣

What’s wrong with you?
I’m kindly suggesting TWR to post his stuff here.

No your not! Thankfully your actions are recorded here so stop lying !

Right. It all kicked off at the end of 2019, and during all of that time I have shopped at 2 supermarkets, joking and exchanging banter with quite a few checkout ladies plus collected a lot of items from the in-store on-line pickup point, and in all that time not one of them has contracted this virus. As y’all say over there - go figure?

you’re’ not? Not need to thank me for putting you right on your grammar.

I have great expectations for this site for the near future, and predict more membership applications - although not so much UK membership because of the time difference; it can be very frustrating waiting for replies, activity to begin, or the continuation of a carried-over discussion. But being here has made me realise how juvenile all previous members have been (hey, that’s ‘dumbing down’ for you?), with only an occasional glimpse of deep understanding in a given subject. So my thanks to the owner and to the administrative staff for allowing me to stay here.

You just need to get out and tell your UK friends more. I think a lot don’t know about this site yet!

I’d ike to very much, but as you’ll know, I don’t have many friends - actually only 2. But my son moves around a lot in his profession so he’ll be my proxy? loll