$20? Why not $50? Make it $100. Make up whatever figure you like because the money itself is made by the private banking cartel known as the federal reserve like that. No need to tie it to real assets or even prudent economic planning. It’s not like raising the minimum wage will cause the price of everything else to go up
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is upping the ante and calling for a minimum wage that exceeds the $15 per hour frequently demanded by her progressive colleagues, proposing instead a $20 minimum wage during a speech at a One Fair Wage event Sunday.
During an event for One Fair Wage – an organization that lobbies to raise the minimum wage for tipped employees – the Michigan lawmaker remarked that the federal minimum wage should actually be $18 or $20 dollars rather than the traditionally touted $15.
“By the way, when we started it, it should have been $15. Now I think it should be $20,” she told the crowd.
Since the minimum wage amount does not affect any other thing about the economy why don’t we just go ahead and set the minimum wage at $100/hr and be done with it. Surely everyone can get by on $208K/year. {yes, sarcasm}.
Well, perhaps she would call for an end to illegal immigration that suppresses wages? So that what the market is willing to bear will be paid and not underinflated?
And if the minimum wage is $20 an hour the market will adjust. $20 becomes the new $8 and people will piss and moan that they aren’t making $40.
All of the min. wage hikes have brought inflation. Businesses cannot, and will not work for free because some basement dwelling Act Blue/ANTIFA moron thinks they should. Prices will go up, jobs will become scarce instead of plentiful, and the economy will stagnate or even shrink.
Don’t believe me? Look up the unemployment rates in semi-socialist -everything for the worker - France.
The self reliant vote for more because experience teaches them it is best; the dependent vote for more dependency because others taught them it’s the best they can do.
There has been a corresponding increase in inflation and either increase in UE or slowing of a dropping UE rate associated directly with each raise in the minimum wage.