So Why Aren’t We Paying Down the National Debt?

So Why Aren’t We Paying Down the National Debt?

Robert E. WrightRobert E. Wright

May 11, 2023 Reading

If you believe the media hype, a storm awaits America. The US government will have to fight off neo-Nazi religious fanatics, massive climate change, financial armageddon, mass species extinction, alien invasion, dollar dominance collapse, Russia and/or China, near-earth celestial objects, new pandemics, systemic racism, and evil billionaires, likely all at the same time.

While more than one of those threats are overblown and/or unlikely, nobody knows what the future will bring other than that something bad will certainly happen at some point. So why aren’t policymakers eager to pay down the national debt? A small national debt is the best security blanket America has ever had, and arguably the reason it expanded so quickly and won all of its wars, the important ones anyway.

To pay down the national debt means, at least, to run balanced budgets consistently, which makes the current debt less onerous as the nation grows more populous and prosperous. More aggressively, it means running budget surpluses as the US government routinely did in peacetime throughout its history and as recently as 1956.

The most immediate benefit of paying down the debt is to end the recurring debt-ceiling crises. If America’s putative leaders really want to prepare the nation for future exigencies, they need to fight over how much to reduce the debt, not how much to increase it. Reducing the debt gives the government more fiscal “dry powder” to use during future emergencies, without bashing Americans with high taxes and/or inflation.

You can think of the national debt like your credit card limit. The closer you are to that limit, the more you are paying each month in interest and also the closer you are to losing your automobile or home when an emergency hits. Instead of paying down its credit balance, Uncle Sam has been getting limit increases so it can put off payment. At some point, though, its creditors are going to say “no more.” That is unlikely to happen on any given, normal day but increasingly likely to occur precisely when the government will need the money the most, during a big crisis.

Where can the money come from to pay down the debt? Some could come from higher taxes, once the economy recovers, but most of it should come from slashing the administrative state. I don’t mean Social Security, I mean all those three-letter executive agencies that take and take and take without giving much of anything of value back. Specifically, both DOEs, Interior, Labor, the DEA, and the rotten parts of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and DOJ. Some four-letter government entities could be pared back or eliminated too, including FEMA, NASA, and the USPS, because competitive private enterprises already fulfill their missions more efficiently. Services that currently cost taxpayers, in other words, could become government revenue sources.

Some may think the federal government is too far gone to reform itself, but if it goes on a budget diet, a virtuous cycle will ensue, much like that (I can say from personal experience) enjoyed by a fat guy cutting back on carbs. A lower tax and regulatory burden will spur innovation, increase allocative efficiency, and create robust economic growth, which will swell tax receipts while reducing some expenditures like unemployment benefits and debt-interest payments.

The world will remain a dangerous place, but the further the nation is from its credit limit, the more effectively the government will be able to respond when, not if, something goes seriously awry.

Pay down the national debt…LOL! Never going to happen. My great grandchildren will still be paying for this. Fuck every politician! All of them should be hanged.


If a real government (by, of, for the people) declares that the “national debt” is no more, that’s the end of it.

When an American declared in court some years ago (Sorry, no details) that by law he owed his credit card company nothing because the company had “created” the debt out of nothing, the judge asked the company if it was so. The company had to admit it was so. The judge then declared that the debt was null and void.

Did the credit card company suffer losses?

Murder by decree!

There are two names that can not be invoked in our house: Jackson and Lincoln.

Jackson as horrible he was to my people however is to be admired for having the foresight to see what the central banks of Europe were planning thus expelled them from US soil and paid off the National debt. 25 years or so later Lincoln went to those same bankers (who secretly were behind starting the civil war) to help finance the war. When Lincoln introduced a debt free note known as “Greenbacks” the US economy flourished and it was the greatest time ever in the country’s history. Lincoln was assassinated and in came the return of central banking to America again. They in the 1870’s created scarcity by limiting the money supply and thus created on purpose a economic depression in which many farms in America went under. Wash rinse and repeat with the Great Depression, and now present day discourse is presenting the same patterns again!

Except for all the countries around the world who own our debt.

Most of these countries owe their “debts” to their privately-owned central banks.

The whole system is as old as the ancient Babylonian curse and we in the 21st century need to break free from this debt slavery (based on fiction).


The Social Security Trust Fund owns a significant portion of U.S. national debt.
Treasuries owned by US citizens, pension plans, etc.$24,508.97 Trillion.

Screw everyone.

So let’s not be responsible and cut spending lets just tell the world screw you.

That is essentially what they are doing anyway with all the Billions they are throwing in the black hole known as Ukraine.


How is it being responsible by perpetuating the Babylonian curse of debt slavery and condemning the offspring for generations to come?

That’s what our ancestors were doing — out of sheer ignorance — because they had no internet and had no idea who the culprits were and their modus operandi.

Are we ignorant today? We can choose to be.


And they keep printing and inventing money out of thin air. At what cost?


Who is responsible???

Should seniors and people working towards retirement to be held responsible spinning the economy into a dark depression?? How many will die?

We know who the criminals are.

Once the Babylonian banking is terminated, there will be plenty of money and food supply for everyone.

The poor and seniors will certainly suffer.

Under the current banking system, yes.

Why is it that the banksters never face criminal charges for their theft?

Your question is not directed at me, but from what I heard I say this.

It’s the banksters who have been running the “western” governments since the rise of the Rothschilds (who allied themselves with the Windsors running up to the Queen).

There were US Presidents who wanted to distance the US from these banksters such as Jackson (whether he really said “I killed the bank” or not) and Monroe who kept the bankster-controlled Europe at bay from the American continents.

Since 1913, it’s the Federal Reserve which has been running the government of the US, not the other way around.

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Which banks and what theft???

LOL. the Federal Reserve has been doing what congress is incapable of, running the monitary system. It is the idiots in congress, both parties who have over spent the budget. It is congress who mandate the Fed Reserve would have 2 mandates, unemployment and inflation. It is the president who refuses to cut spending. Both congress and the resident in the WH refuse to cut spending. Then somehow the Fed Reserve is to blame for mismanagement of the finances of the US.

That’s exactly what Fed wants.

Mismanagement for the people, yes.
But it’s a boon for the banksters who own the Fed.

Prove it. The Fed has zero authority over congress or the resident.

The Federal Reserve System is not “owned” by anyone. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act to serve as the nation’s central bank. The Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., is an agency of the federal government and reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress.

The Federal Reserve derives its authority from the Congress, which created the System in 1913 with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. This central banking “system” has three important features: (1) a central governing board—the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; (2) a decentralized operating structure of 12 Federal Reserve Banks; and (3) a blend of public and private characteristics.

The Board—appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate—provides general guidance for the Federal Reserve System and oversees the 12 Reserve Banks. The Board reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress but, unlike many other public agencies, it is not funded by congressional appropriations.