This AI Composite was taken from an actual photo and redone of Jizzard about 27 years ago. He pretty much hasn’t changed except he is older now and still pretending he is 27. Still a loser and still telling lies on the internet out of desperation to seek acceptance for his already many insecurities and low self esteem!
I liked Ron early on. I’m not so sure about him right now. He is viewed as Trump Jr. by a good portion of the country… and hated the same.
I don’t want Trump either, but I just don’t see anyone that can take him on and win the nomination.
I was the same way, but his timing feels off and he should just focus on being governor and finishing out his term. Besides that, too many people have turned against him as well. He went from being America’s governor to one being mocked at or ridiculed for not supporting Trump. I think he played his card too soon and listening to the wrong people.
Who knows if its going to be Trump either. He just lost a court case in which the media is now calling him a convicted rapist now. Holy fk! How the hell is he going to survive more legal cases coming up that is designed to take him out?
This whole landscape is messed up and if the people continue laying down and taking it up the waazoo, this country is as good as toast!
Agreed… on all points.
It’s not only about wining the nomination but winning the election. That requires independents who do not like Trump.
Fortunately for Trump this was a civil case and he will not be requird to register as a sex offender
How will women across the country view Trump with his conviction???
He is funnier than Monty Crusty the Clown.
Lots of people don’t like Trump, including me. Sometimes you have to look past some things you don’t like if you want something to change. Things changed under Trump… for the better, for me, my place of employment, minorities and the country as a whole. I’m not sure why you or others can’t seem to grasp that?
I don’t care what he says. I don’t care that he likes women. I don’t care that as a business man he more than likey pulled some shady shit. I don’t care that he was a Democrat for the largest part of his life. I just don’t care. I do care a great deal about what is happening to America under the nitwit Progressive Lefties. I will happily take 4 more years of Trump over that!
What is tyour answer to Trump other than ‘too much baggage’… ‘Independents hate him’… ‘Women hate him’? I mean who do you think can do what needs to be done, and get elected?,
Hell, I can’t even see another Democrat that will take down the controlled Biden machine.
I don’t think that matters, its what the media is going to say about him that does. They can pretty much say anything or call him anything after this court case verdict.
This is how his trial played out:
Lady: You raped me
Guy: No. I did not
Lady: Yes you did
Guy: When?
Lady: I don’t remember
Guy: uh?
Lady: “Rape is sexy”
Guy: This is insane
Lady: I’m suing you to prove it
Guy: ok
NY Jury: He didn’t rape you
Guy: Thanks
NY Jury: Now pay her $5,000,000.00
Guy: WHAT!?
Regardless of what you think or feel about Trump, this was a miscarriage of justice if ever there was. As men should be very concerned in the future if this is allowed to stand, as I am sure Trump will appeal this as he should, but no sane person on the planet including women are looking at this and saying: “great! He deserved this” with the exception of course if you are as retarded as AOC (Jizzard) and if that is the case then this is just the beginning to the end.
Well we all know if Rump in the guy for the GOP we will see braindead Biden 4 more years . RUMP CAN NOT WIN !!!
I don’t think DeSantis can win either. I’ve already resigned myself to the probability of another 4 years of wacko Lefty rule.
It probably won’t matter anyway, because we still haven’t fixed our election system and killed some people by chopping off their heads! Some people need to really die and I mean die horrible deaths by hosting public executions for treason!
Blacks in Chicago seem to understand the impact illegals will have on their voice .
" residents are blasting illegal immigration advocates for promoting voting for non-citizens.
“This is an effort to destroy our neighborhoods and silence our voices,” one man warned. "
Chicago Residents Erupt Over Plan to Release Illegal Aliens in Their Community (
Do you suppose any of these would vote for Rump ?
But yet they voted for it by inadvertently not voting for Trump. Why now complain?
Probably not! Stupidity can’t vote for themselves!
Being a sanctuary city does have it’s drawbacks.
One has to ask, how can we morally take in the world, house, feed them and continue to ignore American citizens who are homeless in tents on the streets?