Yet another Obama appointee. Unforunately during his tenure he was able to appoint almost fifty percent of the sitting district court judges.
Trump however is setting a record pace at getting new judges approved at both the district and court of appeals level so the playing field will definitely favor our side soon.
Unfortunately too, the lefties have become very good at judge shopping picking particular districts in which to have plaintiffs file their lawsuits where they know they’ll get a favorable ruling.
But he does not know the first thing about sole source contracts and the difficulties and justification needed to use that type of acquisition. There would be legal injunctions on day 1 of the award.
I started a half dozen sole source contracts when I was in the government. They were all black programs. Were they not, the justification would have taken more time than simply holding a competition. You people dont know.
And it was the GOP that refused to fund it. The only new fencing and repair work being done is the same maintenance and improvements that have happened during most all presidential administrations. The “big beautiful wall” that Trump promised will never be built.