Why do they keep letting Klobuchar spill her bullshit so far after the time limit, yet everyone else gets immediately cut off? It’s annoying and blatant as fuck.
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Wolf Blitzer just softballed it.
I thought these people were lawyers? I like how for a Senate “trial” these Senators seem to have already made up their mind.
Steyer: Trump has been kicking us in our faces for the last 7 years lol
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They claim she won , but no-one watched so ……
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Hilarious -
Warren’s supporters who believe that the workers should subsidize the lazy are now at odds with Bernout’s supporters, who are the lazy.
Get a load of this!
Not really, what she was up to was painfully obvious.
And everyone will get to exchange their modern firearms for muzzle loaders.
Who actually won? Every network not carrying the debate!
No one! That debate was pretty Low ratings.
You missed the answer… .
Ahh! Now I get it!