Actually, I was just ignoring your incessantly stupid posts regarding this issue. If you really understood Keynesian economics…you would see that your fat orange boy in the red hat is pushing the Keynesian model harder then anyone ever did even after the Great Depression.
What’s funny is the majority of you seem to support it! I distinctly remember reading a number of your threads where you were jumping up and down with joy about the stimulus checks that were getting sent out. I guess when you are the one receiving the check you have absolutely no problem with the Keynesian model.
Uh no! OMG! Yeah that public education at work here! Apparently you rode the short bus growing up! You are funny! Thanks I rest my case as you just made my day! Been nice chatting with you! Ha ha ha! I am literally in tears I am laughing so hard!
I’m not exactly sure what you’re laughing at, although I’m having a good time watching you flail. I defined the fundamental basis of Keynesian economics…on demand immediately… literally dunking right over your head.
It’s sad that you were trying to make a point but really didn’t even understand the fundamental basics of the economic theory that you were citing.
Keynes advocated for increased government expenditures and lower taxes to stimulate demand and pull the global economy out of the depression.
Keep flinging shit at the wall though… eventually something will stick.
Your boy Obama stole his first election by having his opponents removed from the ballot. That sleazy fucking Muslim Kenyon couldn’t win an election on his own even if he tried.
Well that’s a total lie. And I’m sure that you might have missed it while you were neck deep in whatever redneck mud pit that you call home…but he won two presidential elections.
Remember candidate Trump making a big stink about the unsustainable 19.8 trillion national debt.
He promised to pay off the national debt if he was elected, and promised to run balanced budgets because he was a businessman and it is so easy to do.
The reality is that the national debt is swelling, he has signed the biggest budget deficits in US history, and his administration is now throwing around cash like all they have to do is print it…
And, Trump wants to make sure that all Americans see HIS NAME on that money…
It took more than one month to discover this mail-in-ballot fraud. Just think how many blue states will wait until shortly before November to mail out millions of ballots.
Pelosi/Schumer want all mail-in ballots counted regardless of their postmark. They can be mailed AFTER election day and still have to be counted. Just how long should we wait after the election to stop receiving ballots?
He’s just trying to make the case for mail-in ballots. He knows damn well there will be election fraud and he welcomes it because THAT’S THE ONLY WAY THE DEMOCRATS WILL WIN!
…and no liberals will be indicted for voter fraud.
If you can go grocery shopping, go to Home Depot, etc. with little x marks telling you where to stand? Then you sure as hell can stand in line to cast your vote.
I do not doubt that the liberals will try to make sure that a new outbreak of COVID-19 occurs in October or before. Maybe they’ll pay the Chinese for a sealed bottle of live virus to be released at the RNC convention.