Sarah Sanders--3 for 1 Bitch Slap

I think she will make a great Governor of Arkansas.

Certainly, if she is elected, she will be exponentially better than Slick Willy Clinton, among the most corrupt that ever served the great State of Arkansas.

Even Sean Hannity seems confused as to what he is.

Now who would have guessed? Your link to requires registering.

…as does the link to

Sorry, Charlie!

Besides, the best of newspapers has a complete staff that includes journalists, reporters, editors, etc…all of which have different job descriptions.

Journalists and reporters are supposed to document and report the news. Editors decide what to use and offer opinions.

He closes his show with “let not your heart be troubled, we will never be the anti-Trump media” so you can’t get any clearer then that.

Fox news is mostly opinion and commentary shows with straight news breaks during the programing and the chyron at the bottom of the screen.

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I don’t pay good money to read lies.
I don’t think it’s Sean who is confused.

"Fox News host Sean Hannity said he’s not a journalist, but insisted his show “does journalism.” "


Could it be any clearer dude?

Weird I dont have subs to either and I could read them

So asking Trump a challenging question or pushing him on decisions is being anti-trump?

Weird. They recognize your IP as one of the congregation of leftists.

Or maybe everyone’s IP gets like a half dozen freebies a month and after that they hide the article. They can even see though incognito accounts.

Do a google search you will the information i linked to.

NO one said that. You and your strawmen… copulating in plain sight on the forum.

I did. That’s how I found the Huffington link.

I was asking clarification on what Roxiebelle thought. No strawman argument at all.

Your getting quite agitated.

Maybe you’re not running an ad blocker.

The name sorta gives away the purpose of the site.

There are PMs if you want private conversations. Otherwise, we are alllll part of the debate.


Yeah nice try, that’s not what they do! :roll_eyes:

Let’s hear it for @toastedcheese… taking on so many of us at the same time. I hate it when libs do that to me. So I’m backing off toastee in this thread. Silence will not mean agreement or capitulatulation… just compassion.

So why do they do it?