Sanders, Warren Ask Black Christians to Put Their Faith in Government

Every election cycle it’s the same. They say and do un-Godly things and when the election gets near they somehow find god. The regressive Socialist Marxist version of taqiyya.

Because governmental dependence has served the black community so well…

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It sure has. Lots of guvment cheese, low income housing in good neighborhoods, great schools with competent teachers,Affirmative Action putting them ahead of everyone for college enrollment no matter how dumb they are and denying that black on black crime exists. And enough money for their supply of Old English 40s.

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Thou shalt not worship false idols!

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These are the same hypocrites who support late-term and post-birth abortion. They are child-killing monsters and no self-respecting Christian will ever vote for them because of that.


The left hates Christians. Christians don’t trust government. Sanders and Warren are desperate. I’m just waiting on their reaction when Trump gets reelected. The memes are going to be so great.


Christians work in the government, vote government officials into office and of course there is Christian communism, Christian socialism, Christian anarchism, Christian libertarianism and Christian democracy…

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Faith in government, ROTFLMAO.

Why would any person trust a government that has our dysfunctional congress.


If you’re black and trust the government that stood by while slavery existed for 80 years, you’re an idiot. If you’re Japanese and trust government that put Japanese into camps during WWII, you’re an idiot. If you’re retired and trust the government that “saved” money for you for 50 years for retirement and is now having to tax others to pay your benefits, you’re an idiot. If you’re ANYONE and trust the government that created the Great Depression and the 2008 recession, pushed fast and furious, targeted people with the IRS, passed the Patriot Act and ran up $23 trillion in debt… you’re an idiot.

Look folks, there are hundreds of reasons to not trust government. Vote for the group that will REDUCE government.


If the Bible was only about justice, Jesus wouldn’t be dead. We would be. Sanders is just using the Bible to mean what he wants it to mean, which in this case, at about 3:00 in the video, means poor people should get free stuff. That’s not justice. That’s mercy if the giver is willing, and extortion if the giver is unwilling.

Furthermore, he calls Trump “homophobic” while propping up his campaign using the Bible, a document which would be considered homophobic if the same standards he applied to Trump were applied to it.


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Almost all the working class grief comes directly from government or is sanctioned by government to attack their standard of living .

All to the government you should surrender
All to it should freely give
All because it really loves you
And been doling out benefits since you were a kid

You should surrender all
You should surrender all
All to Uncle Sam and vote for Democrats
You should surrender all

Indeed. People have lost sight of the fact that it is not Hell that is unfair and undeserved but Heaven that is unfair and undeserved.

People, in West especially, often seem to be so impressed with how nice and tolerant they are that I wonder (could they even think about it) if they imagined were they to find themselves in Isaiah’s slippers and the holiness of the Lord manifested before them would they expect to get a pat on the back?

Romans 1:18-32 for example is not about homosexuality but about losing sight of the knowledge of the Lord, and I think losing sight that He is “Holy, Holy, Holy” is a big part of that. All that homosexuality or championing homosexuality is in the passage is like a proverbial canary in a mine: when the bird dies you should recognize it as a sign that something important, something deadly dangerous has already transpired in your circle.


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Charity comes from the heart, it is not taken at gun point by gov’t and given to those who refuse to help themselves.

I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.

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Federal Bureau of Bureaus

The only federal bureaucracy with shorts and briefs forms.