I have no problem with Russia. They more than any other country with the exception of Poland have upheld traditional values such as marriage, Christianity, Family etc. The West is crumbling and bent on craziness such as transgenderism, gays, BLM and whatever bullshit they can invent! Putin knows its the Globalists that has taken over, and the people that need to be taken out and are the greatest threat is Schwaab, Soros, and Rothschild henchmen.
Dr. , An excellent summation of the USA under dems .
Was it Russia who stole the 2020 election, incited the BLM riots and pushed the coronahoax vax genocide on us?
I don’t think so.
Don’t forget the FBI funding ANTIFA which to this date have not been held accountable!
Wow Didge, another anti American thread……
Nope, it was Trump………
This was still a telling moment. Funny as shit! My job is to trigger Libs as much as possible.