🔴 Robert Mueller Testimony LIVE: Former Special Counsel Testifies on Russia Investigation at 8:15 AM EDT

If anyone missed the testimony here’s a quick rundown on Mueller’s testimony:

“Can’t get into that.”

“I’m not gonna get into that.”

“That’s outside my purview.”

“I’ll refer you to the report.”

“That’s what it says in the report. I stand by the report.”

“I’ll refer you again to the report.”

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My bad!

I thought you were criticizing my statement. :rofl:

They have to, because Mueller got shellacked so bad that no matter what these Clowns spin will only make it worse!

I beg your pardon!

I’m 76 and sharp on both ends…as a rat (turd) is

I’m approaching my mid 50’s and I forget things much more easily now. My wife who is younger than me is even worse! :wink:

Start infusing your diet with Ginkgo

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I consider myself to be a cold and heartless bastard most of the time but Mueller reminded me of my grandpa towards the end of his life. This was some sorry and sad shit.

Mueller did exactly what he needed to do. Stick to the report. It’s damning enough as is.

Mueller got destroyed! Which leads me to believe as others who know the law and prosecutorial standards that this report was no doubt the work of Andrew Weismann! He is the one that needs to be targeted next and be forced to answer questions that would be the crescendo of this entire fiasco!

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What planet are you living on? Did you even watch the testimony today? I’ve only caught bits and pieces of it but it was brutal. I haven’t seen ANYONE heaping any praise on Mueller today. The report isn’t going anywhere because it didn’t do anything.

Yeah right! Because you read all 432 pages! (Laughing) You should stop, before you get embarrassed here!

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Even the MSM headliners are calling the day a disaster for the Democrats.

They failed to get Mueller to read his report aloud. (One of them asked him to do so, he declined.) They failed to get him to agree with their constructed conclusions they made regarding obstruction of justice. THEY FAILED!

About the only thing the Democrat questioners managed to consistently do correctly was to work into their narrative toward the end of their allotted 5 minutes the Democrat talking point, “Nobody is above the law!”

“Donald Trump is not above the law, but he damned sure also shouldn’t be below the law”…

This is great! Schiff getting embarrassed by his own question and he doesn’t like the answer! :cold_face:

The best beat down of a life time and Mueller gets his lunch money stolen!

This is the one point that destroys Muellers reputation! He claims he never heard of “Fusion GPS” !:rofl::joy: Oh man! This is icing on the cake!

Holy truth bomb Batman!

If there’s any “big news” that came of this dog and pony show it’s that Mueller obviously had very little input or control of either the investigation or the “Mueller Report”.

Equally disturbing is that he seems to have literally lost it intellectually and couldn’t even be consistent in his answers between the two hearings.

Sadly his ethical breeches particularly his conflicts of interest got pretty well zero play in the discussion.

I watch the entire thing.

He did exactly what I expected him too. Stick to the facts in the report. Those are damming enough. No conjecture or theater needed

I read every last page. Have you?