President-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural coincides with Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network is planning a rally to celebrate the MLK Day and protest the second administration of Trump. Expect violence !!!
The Tawana Brawley hoax, and the numerous shake down operations that took him from “a scamming preacher” to a multi millionaire race hustler and tax dodger .
I have a dream that this racist mother fucker was dead ! Only a liberal double talking lying media outlet like MSNBC would hire this trash .
Sharpton has more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his businesses. Why hasn’t he been charged and in prison ? His National Action Network has repeatedly failed to pay travel agencies, hotels, and landlords, records show. During a rally in Brooklyn, he called white people “crackers.”
Dirtball Al was responsible for an innocent Hasidic Jewish student visiting the area from Australia was set upon by a mob and stabbed to death.
Freddie’s Fashion Mart,wanted to evict a black-run record store that was subletting part of the property. Sharpton showed up outside Freddie’s vowing to a crowd: “We will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Two weeks before Christmas that year, Freddie’s was attacked by a man in the crowd who shot several customers and then set fire to the building with a flammable liquid, killing seven employees.
Sharpton was wrongly acquitted of felony charges that he stole $250,000 from his youth group.
Sharpton admitted that his National Action Network had once loaned him money to cover his daughters’ tuition a CRIME .
Sharpton agreed to repay $100,000 in public funds he received for his 2004 presidential campaign, because he had exceeded federal limits on personal expenditures for his campaign A crime .