Republicans better take a stand or the party is over!

This is a great video of hundreds of patriots confronting Lindsay Graham.
Your not going to win another election if you don’t have voters!
Take a stand! Demand trump remain as president


These are not patriots.

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Yes they are, they stand for the modern day George Washington

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The Republican Party? It’s already over.

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It’s been over for quite a while.

We won almost every seat except for 6 states that cheated. We are dominating

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FUCK the Republican Party, a party of fucking Traitors, showing all along what many suspected that they are bought and paid for by The International Globalists aka Commie cvnt bastards.

The GOP and the Democrats feed at the same filthy pig trough, they have ALWAYS been The Uni-Party, they have ALWAYS been the fucking Swamp, they took the mask off in 2016 when they tried to stop The Donald even getting on the GOP ticket.

They have had their filthy pigsty nicely feathered by The International Globalists and feared America being given BACK to the PEOPLE.

There needs to be a NEW party, called it The America First Party and RUB the Big Nose Rat Faced International Globalists FACES in it…75 million PATRIOTS, most of whom would support this NEW party.

The whole America First thing was NEVER going to be allowed to happen under ONE SINGLE PERSON aka The Donald, the ONLY way you get America First is IF you have 75 MILLION PEOPLE literally rubbing the fucking Big Nose Rat Face cvnts faces in it, all the Big Nose Rat Face fucking Commie bastards, most of their Ancestors were literal Stalinists and Trotskyites. America made a BIG BIG mistake in the 1930s and 1940s letting these fucking bastards Grandparents and Great-Grandparents in, they should have been turned AWAY and the ships they were on torpedoed back to fucking Hell where they were spawned from. Jesus Christ REJECTING fucking DEVILS, they are of their father The Devil.





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Nobody gives a shit about any of that.

Fuck the GOP.

Form a new party The America First Party, 75 million people, it can be self-funded, eg. if everyone gave just $100 each that would be $750 million to start with, if we had a maximum donation of $2,500 we could raises multi Billions, if everyone gave $500 each we would have $3.75 Billion to start with.

EVERY fucking Republican Senator and Congressman - EXCEPT Hawley and Cruz should be subjected to a Primary challenge by an America First candidate.

We can actual do this. We should do this.

Why are you one of the ilk who HISTORICALLY REJECT Jesus Christ or something?

Poor Miss Lindsay, had his head down ALL the time, couldn’t face the peasants could he? Probably went home to anally assault another young boy. Let’s face it, Miss Lindsay is probably on the Jeffrey Epstein Blackmail tapes that they almost certainly have that they have used for YEARS to Blackmail politicians, Judges, Journalists etc into folding like cheap tents to sell not only America down the river but ALL Western nations down the river.

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Because he is an atheist scum turd

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The majority are Atheist, they sold their souls to Satan years ago. Many are pretend Christians, just to get the Christian vote.

The ENTIRE GOP need to be rejected and a new party started, it can be done, 75 million voted for Trump the most for a sitting President in American history.

It’s bullshit that The Walking Corpse got 80 million votes, considering how many were manufactured in the middle of the night and brought in in trunks, suitcases, whatever. We are supposed to believe that The Walking Corpse got more votes than not only Barack Obama but ANY candidate in HISTORY? ROFLAO.

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This is the best message I have heard all day!

Don’t waste your time having any religious discussions with Montecrusty the clown here! You’d be better off feeding pigeons than to have any semblance of an intelligent debate with the in house asshat clown!

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Do the Republican Party stand for OUR values anymore? What do they stand for? They stand for the below:

Open Borders and UNLIMITED Mass Immigration From Third World Shitholes
The Global Warming Hoax/Climate Change Bullshit
The Pro-United Nations Bullshit
Assault on Christianity and Jesus Christ
Permanent Lockdown because of the Wuhan Flu
Perpetual Wars in The Middle East
White Guilt/Hate Whitey/Evil Whitey/Racism Hoax
TOTAL silence as young children are brainwashed with LGBTQ, Transgendering, Anti-White Hate, White Guilt, Anti-Americanism, Anti-Western Civilisation etc

The GOP have the same values as the DemoCommunists with a FEW exceptions like slashing taxes and some type of Pro-Life situation, most Republicans are now even against the Death Penalty BUT they would support no doubt the Death Penalty for anyone who sides with Donald Trump.

Time for a new party, time to force the Republican Party into Room 101 like what happened with The Whig Party.

Any actual Patriots and Pro-America First, Pro-Western Civilisation first members of the GOP can join eg. Hawley, Cruz, Kris Kobach but 99% of the Republican Party needs to be put on notice that there are many many millions who want that party GONE and a new party to replace them.

We want NO cowards, NO Globalists, NO Beta Cucks, NO RINOs.

You know what is coming! It’s all part of the plan. Things are going to get a lot worse as it is written. Seals have been broken and we are on a fast track to witness all. People like Montecrusty with their hatred and divisive rhetoric are nothing more than Satan’s servants, looking for any opportunities to demoralise people in order to feed his own ego for self edifying purposes. Distinguish any hope for man or a man saviour and focus on God, for his wrath is coming soon enough. It will not matter in the end.


Yes I know and I agree.

But remember what our Bible and Our Lord has planned for the end of this? WE prevail and these Servants of The Serpent of The Bottomless Pit WILL be destroyed.

Things will get much more worse, but we must EVERY DAY renew our faith in Jesus Christ Our Lord, Our Messiah, Our Savior. Things will happen in the coming years from these Servants of Satan to try and force us to renounce Jesus Christ, but we must be strong and NOT waver.

Dear Lord, we your most humble servants are entering the dreadful time that you foretold would happen, we are facing the most terrible of horrors, as you foretold they would be the worst horrors ever seen in history.

We go into this knowing what will happen because you in your love for us foretold it, you in your love for us gave us the warning and we have heeded it.

Know Dear Lord that we will not renounce you, that we will stay with you in our minds and our hearts and souls and our very being, we know you will not forsake us and will guide us through this terrible time and protect us.

We will do all we can to assist you from our position on earth to fight, resist and help destroy the Agents of Satan and Satanism itself.



Fuck religion, it’s a scourge on humanity and promotes bigotry. And embraces nasty ass grab em by the pussy whores like Trump!!!

What the fuck ever. Is your god so pitiful that he needs mortals to assist him against satan…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You see what I mean? In predictable fashion the “Crust Turd” returns demanding your attention. Why? Because he hates himself so much he needs to illicit a reaction from you to validate this demon’s existence. Just put the loser on ignore and don’t bother.