đźš© Republican National Convention 2024

Republican National Convention 2024

Day 1

Trump is a fighter and that is probably his greatest appeal!

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Too bad Trump changed his speech to focus on " UNITY" dems stick together and want no part of unity they want TOTAL CONTROL and will resort to violence to keep it .
After FBI counterespionage chief Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page met with Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, Strzok texts Page that they couldn’t take the risk of Trump getting elected without having “an insurance policy” in place.
The FBI begins a yearlong secret wiretap on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, which would have allowed intel officials access to information and conversations involving other Trump associates and possibly Trump himself.
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) publicly warns Trump that if he took on the intelligence community, it has “six ways from Sunday to get back at you.” Well they did !!!
Days after President Trump takes office, attorney Mark Zaid tweets that a “coup has started” and “impeachment will follow ultimately.”
Special counsel Robert Mueller

ROBERT MUELLER begins investigating Trump.
House Speaker announces an impeachment inquiry based on the alleged whistleblower’s claims.
The House approves impeachment process rules. The vote is largely along party lines, with two Democrats siding with Republicans.
The nation argued for five years over the infamous Steele dossier, the document on which the FBI relied to investigate Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. It should have been called the Clinton dossier.
Dem are about HATE,HATE,HATE . UNITY MY ASS !!!

I wonder what happened to Carter Page and why we don’t hear his name anymore. He was a very suspicious character in this sordid saga.


Peter Navarro just moments after being released from prison spoke at the RNC. Seminal moment!

MUST WATCH: Afghanistan Gold Star father on Biden:

"Worse than that he has never said their names out loud. And during last month’s debate, he claimed no service members have died during his administration – none. That hurt us all deeply


Yes was wondering that same question some months ago. Page was a former Navel intelligence officer who has worked in the past with the CIA and it wouldn’t surprise me if played a role in the controlled opposition farm.

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Kai Trump gives a heartwarming speech at the RNC about her grandfather President Donald Trump


JD Vance was pretty relaxed and naturally himself on stage last night. He could be the next president in 2028. Impressive story.


Don’t you think Trump may decide to run in 2028 to be the only President EVER elected 3 times ?

Drop dead gorgeous !!!

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He can’t. Two terms only, regardless if consecitive or not.

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True, otherwise Obama would have definitely ran for a third term!

I was aware of that I read this and was confused …
Q. Since it would be non-consecutive with his previous term as President, can Donald Trump serve two more terms?

A. The U.S. Constitution sets the requirements necessary to serve as President. Article II, section The Constitution lists only three qualifications for the Presidency in Article II Section 1. The President must be a natural born citizen, at least 35 years of age and must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years. For most of our history, Presidents could serve as many terms as they could get elected and re-elected to by the Electoral College.

However, George Washington set a standard when he chose not to run after having served two terms. In explaining why he would not run for re-election, Washington wrote in his Farewell Address, “I have the consolation to believe that, while choice and prudence invite me to quit the political scene, patriotism does not forbid it.” Washington was confident that the system and people could persevere without him. He saw a future where “[t]he free constitution, which is the work of your hands, may be sacredly maintained; that its administration in every department may be stamped with wisdom and virtue.”
The 22nd Amendment change all of that .

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Im getting tired of all these speeches. Lets stick to business and shorten the dog and pony show.Also it must be good week for the Milwauke prostitutes. Dont deny this doesnt happen especially with the Dem next.

Incredible speech by Tucker Carlson!

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So happy to hear and see so many references to God and Jesus Christ during this convention and on this night!

Senior Pastor Sewell of Detroit gave a outstanding speech!

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Those dems love their trannies and the cash will be flowing , hell you may even see Lindsey Graham there spending tons of cash he loves his men lovers ! :rofl:

Nope! He can’t only two terms, the only exception was FDR who was president during the war.

The 22nd Amendment correct , thanks