Repeatedly Delayed Immigration Raids Expected to Start this Weekend in 10 Major Cities

Right, it was all a trigger for his base…:rofl:

It worked. His base will insist the raids were a great success, millions were deported.

And he’s building the wall.

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Nobody but you is claiming that, why lie?

So not only did the raids go off yesterday they have been ongoing and will continue.

Definitely going to be a shortage of crow here for a while.

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Exactly, three weeks ago he tweeted out that the raids were to begin in a couple weeks and “millions would be deported” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The raids have been ongoing.

How do you remove a million illegals?

One at a time.

This is a start but I still say start enforcing certain laws already on the books and implement harsher penalties for employers who hire illegals! A lot of them self deport when the money opportunities starts drying up! Tax payers should also not be on the hook for paying their medical, social entitlements either!

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Employers who knowingly and blatantly hire illegals.

There is not much an employer can do if someone has a valid SSN and all documents showing they are a US Citizen.

Not hiring because you “suspect” they are illegal but cannot prove it is a good way to have a lawsuit filed against you.

All of that stuff I know, but employers are not being given the adequate tools to verify SSN’s and it’s not until a certain amount of time that discrepancies show up! The agency handling the e-verify are not mainstreaming their database for accurate and a more efficient means to match identities to prevent illegals from stealing jobs’

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You may know but there may be a lot of people who are not familiar with the hiring process from the employer’s end. You can suspect the papers are fake but if you can’t prove it and if the person is qualified…hello lawsuit…

So, while my post was a reply to you, it was meant to expand a bit to some of the issues behind the scene.

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I understand the legality part being a lawyer myself, and also from an employers perspective as well. My point was in advocating for updating the system itself in order to make it easier for employers to discern who they are hiring! It’s a dam if you do and dam if you don’t situation! If an employer hires someone using fake docs it also puts them in jeopardy as well to be accused of being complicit in the process! I would like to see a system implemented that not only protects the employers with compliance mechanisms but also makes it harder for illegals to use forged documents! This can easily be achieved such as having a national ID with barcode screening! A lot of countries do this already’

The biggest problem now is that even if you get a “no match” letter from SS it says right on the letter it’s not grounds for termination and if you do go ahead and fire them the employer can be held civilly liable for discrimination.

That’s gotta be fixed!

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