Rep. Ken Buck introduced a measure Monday requesting Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment

The well known RINO Ken Buck who for the most part has resisted efforts by the GOP his own party to impeach Mayorkas and Biden suddenly does an about face and introduces a measure to have Vice President Heels up Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment. This latest move is turning heads and surprising many considering Buck’s popularity has suffered massive decline in numbers even though he has announced his retirement. Still as crazy as it sounds its a 50/50 proposition that has real implications and this actually could be the beginnings of a transition by the Democrats to get rid of Joe and insert their Candidate in order to salvage their hopes for winning in the 2024 Presidential election.

Kamala for her part will go down in history as the first female president in US history, let alone being the first female Vice president, should Buck’s measure go through and is executed. I am pretty sure a tight leash will implemented for controlling Harris, with all things considered leading up to November which will get us closer to war and a volatile landscape in the homeland!

I seriously doubt this will go anywhere. It’s probably another PR stunt to create another distraction


Maybe, we will see what happens with this!

They will find another candidate to replace Biden they know he is a mess and unelectable .

My money on who that person is going to be is Gavin Newscum!


Well he is a true dummycrat .