Remembering D-Day June 6 1944 (2024)

“Resolve today is all about being woke tomorrow”

There is more profoundness in retrospect than there is having hope for the future, but having the will to learn from our past mistakes takes will and courage. One side fights to the death while the other turns the other cheek, the difference between light and darkness of this world.

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Clif High.
Eustace Mullins also said that the J–s have been killing millions of Christians for centuries.

The plandemic and the jab killed (and will still kill) millions. But the bird flu won’t fly, because enough people have awakened.

Sleepers (if they are still asleep at this juncture) will never wake up.

“History is peaceful and the future is violent”

There was a time in US history where just causes were necessary, but in absence of our past, our current day situation has taken on a complete different context. I do believe that the elites want you and me gone by depopulating the Earth and that evil never sleeps. The public is asleep and apathetic to what has been going on and what is developing. America is on the verge of being lost forever and those who think it can be saved are thinking that voting will turn the tides. I don’t think so, but I will gladly eat crow if I am wrong about this view.

The sacrifices that were made by the men who stormed those beaches on that fateful day will be for naught if America succumbs to the NWO that is bent on succeeding with their sinister plans. War in the East, War in the West, War in the South and War in the North, all seems to be biblical prophecy coming to fruition.



If the American soldiers could see America today…


That was probably by design in order to keep the Swiss neutrality intact. It wasn’t only the Nazis that were hiding their assets, but everyone else were doing the same.


Our political reality today.