Red states lead blue states in economic recovery

Republican governors and legislatures are leading Americans back to work, according to analysis of the state-by-state unemployment data from the Department of Labor.

Only one way to vote… Republican.

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Red states lead blue states in public assistance too.

You broke rednecks love your handouts.

Cool story faaagg lol …

Talk of handouts from a libby… :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Are you out of your QUEER mind ? California has 12,000,000 on the government tit . Does tit arouse you ? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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That is a lie. And it has been debunked a few MILLION times over.

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Correct, red states are debtor states, a drag on the federal budget. Laughable that the residents of red states are the first to bitch about welfare when they would loose first world status if they lost their federal welfare check each year……

Can you imagine for example a state the size of Wyoming with its scant five hundred thousand residents if they had to pay for the thousands of miles of roads and bridges alone that crisscross the state by themselves, and try to keep milk and bread on the table…………too. :roll_eyes:

And they want the federal government to give them the land that they FALSELY claim was taken from them when in fact the federal land has been held since before its statehood, and NOT taken from anyone……

Red states get subsidies because of government regulations, destroying how we used to farm. If you get government out red states won’t need a subsidies

Florida keeps kicking ass , Texas, vote red

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Do you know MORONIC you sound when you try to resurrect that ages old LIE?

Liberals Resurrect Myth That Blue States Subsidize Red States

Countering those concerns, some leftists have resurrected the myth that it’s actually red states that are “welfare queens.” While this represents a pivot from the original argument (which is over states in better fiscal condition subsidizing those in worse), it is relevant, as it would imply that perhaps the reason red states are in better fiscal condition is because the federal government has been giving them an assist.

And it would be false.

In my 2019 book Debunk This!, I analyzed a similar argument from two angles; that Republicans themselves were more likely to be moochers, and that red states as a whole are. To quote directly from the book:

It is first important to remember that states are not people. It’s entirely possible for the following facts to be true simultaneously; that red states receive more in federal welfare, but Republicans themselves don’t. A Maxwell Poll on the political affiliation of those in public assistance would indicate as much:

The only exceptions would be Medicare and Social Security, which are often included in the calculations of federal money going to red states (as opposed to just including traditional welfare programs). And indeed, this would skew the stats when it comes to federal dollars coming to red states. Recipients of those programs are disproportionately Republican, but this is a program 100% of people will eventually be eligible for, and it’s one received after paying into it over a lifetime, so it feels misleading at best to include, regardless of what you think about the programs.

But that’s just welfare. People aside, what about the claim that red states as a whole receive more from the government? While it is true that red states tend to have a larger percentage of their budgets subsidized by the federal government than blue states—but only because their budgets are relatively smaller. As The Federalist’s Kyle Sammin notes:
A problem with this metric is that although federal funds make up a larger percentage of red states’ state budgets, the budgets in those states are generally lower overall than those of the free-spending blue states . If, instead of comparing federal funds to state budgets, we look at how much the federal government spends in intergovernmental grants per resident of a state, the results are turned on their heads.

Florida has a smaller budget than California, and Florida’s budget is balanced BY LAW. Florida does not have a state income tax. If the Medicare and Sosha Curity budgets are a higher percentage compared to Florida’s but not as high as compared to California, maybe that’s because California’s state budget is so high.

Bottom line, you have been proven ONCE AGAIN, wrong.

Haha, it’s always been that way……:man_shrugging:

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Because of government over regulations…

Farming would be destroyed in America if government didn’t pay a yearly reparations on bad policy

That is a LIE and I have proven it to be a lie.

I suppose I miss the significance….:thinking:

The face you make when confronted with facts.

What facts when, where?

What bullshit.

Most Western states would gladly tell the YOU and the administration to shove their money up their ass with the return of ALL the Federal property including the military property.

Wyoming has 30,013,219 acres of federal land. That’s 48% of the state asshole.

And yes, WYOMING pays for roads and utilities to Federal land.

As always you speak out of your ass.


That is a LIE, one that I have already proven to be a lie.
I have also proven you to be a LIAR.