Reason why dismissing conspiracy theories as such is so moronic
After California and Hawaii, where are they going to strike next?

How else (meaning, other than conspiratorial explanation) would you explain the strange fire in Hawaii?

Is it a series of coincidences that cars and houses burn while trees stand, seemingly unaffected? (Same phenomenon as in Paradise CA)

Meanwhile, there is a technology and a weapon called DEW which does exactly that. Also a coincidence?

And there are a group of people who’d benefit from the disaster?

Can’t we put two and two together?

All this challenges our intelligence, doesn’t it?


Is this a conspiracy theory?

If you contradict the mainstream narrative, you’re a conspiracy theorist.

(Mainstream narratives are formed by questionable organizations and corporations such as CNN and NY Times based on the opinions of “selected individuals and specialists, doctors, etc.” while the opinions of other individuals and specialists, doctors, etc., are aggressively put aside and ignored.)


Now they’re blaming non-native grass species for the fire on Maui.
How convenient!

The most basic way to dismantle the fake narrative that they are selling is to ask why were all (yes ALL) elites million dollar homes spared the Maui fire? The fire and climate change only burn down poor people’s houses?

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When you implement bans on controlled burns expect disaster !!!

He regrets having been a US Marine.


The usual suspects who own acres of land on Maui. Bezos, Zuckerberg… Coincidence?


Because any nation who had become a so called Super power should also not inspire to be with imperialistic ambitions. Decline such as Athens experienced was an inevitability for America.

Look at the picture to see why


Democrats were warned about an invasive grass that could spark fires, but did nothing, because they were worried about the equity of water …

So vote democrat and you’re going to die

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The Weimar Republic comes to mind.
And of course the Dem land.

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It’s more like you’re going to get killed. Well, what’s the difference?

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Conspiracy theory no more.

Academic process:
hypothesis (educated guess) ⇒ theory (hypothesis with reasonable backing) ⇒ fact

See the nice waterfront mansions?

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I just got a nauseous feeling and that is not good. Sigh!


Never mind. It’s only a human error.

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Kid Rock??? Not sure what to say about that one.