I put this in the Law and Order category because it’s about a SC justice, but if it needs to be moved, please don’t hesitate to ask or move it yourself.
Speaking of Ruth Baders Ginsberg, what do you guys think about the movie about her that come out last December? I haven’t seen it, but the acting looked impeccable, even if I don’t agree with it politically. The last few lines really stood out to me- “The word women is not in the Constitution” “Neither is the word freedom…your Honor.” Which is incorrect, as its synonym, liberty, is in the preamble and all throughout the Constitution.
Another thing that stood out to me is in the trailer, they show a scene that mentions that something is sexist against men. So brownie points for that. This is something that third-wave feminists ignore, that sexism goes both ways. I appreciate that they did not make the husband the villain in the movie.
You’re comparing apples to oranges. Or you haven’t been through grammar school. Men and women are antonyms, just as freedom and liberty are synonyms. I fail to see how you could draw your respective conclusion. I’m curious; why did you ask such a question?
Her argument doesn’t make any sense. All I’m stating is that what she claims, freedom not being in the Constitution, is wrong. It doesn’t mean that the words men and women are synonymous.
What it is is a deflection from the topic of the post. Rather than address the content you are picking it apart to create an argument on liberty and freedom being a synonym.