RAUNCHY SEX SCANDAL ROCKS FBI: Dirtbag Special Agents Under Fire For Reported Sexual Affairs with Slutty CNN Reporters

We knew the intelligence agencies were figuratively in bed with fake news but now established that they’re literally in bed together to fuck us over.

High-ranking FBI insiders say they reported top-level FBI brass for continued sexual romps with CNN reporters but former FBI director James Comey and his successor Christopher Wray looked the other way.

And did nothing.

The extramarital affair between fired FBI boss Peter Strzok and FBI top lawyer Lisa Page is public knowledge. Page has resigned from the Bureau.

Now Strzok’s name has surfaced again in regards to the unfolding CNN scandal, according to FBI insiders. And other top FBI bosses are implicated as well for sexual trysts with CNN reporters and anchors.

Here is what we know. High-level FBI officials complained to the highest executive offices of the FBI that Strzok and more top agents were engaged in sexual relationships with CNN’s on-air personnel. Those high-ranking sources say top management did not investigate the reports and the relationships continued. And the sexual romps still might continue today.

FBI agents having sexual relations with the media is something that is not only frowned upon at the FBI but also highly problematic. Look no further than the classified leaks that CNN has published, breaking anti-Trump stories with insider information from Justice Department insiders.

“Everyone saw the texts between Strzok and Page but they both worked here,” one FBI insider said. “I can imagine the texts between agents and their girlfriends who don’t have a security clearance.”

And who are paid to publicize insider intelligence or spread rumors the anti-Trump FBI bosses want to spread — a perfect set up for fake news or an organized propaganda underground to slander the Trump White House or other enemies.

Strzok and Page, for instance, were caught leaking stories to the Washington Post and other mainstream news outlets, according to the content of their texts which have been made public. The content of those stories had a negative slant toward President Donald Trump.

FBI insiders believe classified and sensitive intelligence was leaked to CNN as a byproduct of agents engaged in sexual affairs.

Strzok also worked as an investigator for Robert Mueller’s probe of President Trump and his campaign, before the FBI boss was fired from the team for anti-Trump texts. Mueller’s team also leaked several stories during the time frame Strzok was employed under Mueller. Many of those stories were first published by CNN.

The FBI for decades did not permit married agents to engage in extramarital affairs with anyone, especially members of the media. That offense was grounds for termination because FBI directors like Louis Freeh believed agents could be compromised by blackmail and outside influence and therefore the practice was outlawed.

While Freeh was a strict task master on the subject, Comey and Wray looked the other way.

Ignoring such problematic reports has angered many FBI agents and bosses. And the fact that the troubling allegations, which were provided in detail to Comey and later Wray, were never investigated smacks of an overt cover up.

And yet another black eye for the embattled FBI.

This story is developing. — Thomas Paine


Every FBI agent, like Strozok, should be in jail right now. Fired is a good start, but it’s not enough.

Hey FBI. Fuck you scumbags.

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Of course they did. Send letters to the SPOUSES! An FBI agent who cannot be trusted by a spouse is an FBI agent who cannot be trusted by ANYONE. Where are their morals? In the toilet with Comey and McCabe’s careers!

This makes so much sense. We all knew something fishy was going on.

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Trump chose poorly with his Wray as his pick. Wray is as Deep State as Comey and Strzok were. Wray has been busy sealing documents to keep embarrassing info about the FBI from coming to light.

I want the names of the agents and reporters.

Grounds for firing Wray and getting a real house-cleaner in place at the FBI? Let’s hope so.

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I would like to know the names of the female reporters. Hope thete weren’t any males involved. Wonder if Don Lemon was involved.
Wouldn’t Barr have something to say about sealing documents???
Hope video is available somewhere!!!

I would bet that Comey and Wray were both poking CNN sluts.

Leave comas and I’ll agree with this.

Every FBI agent like Strzok should be in jail right now.

It’s only the upper level of the FBI that is replete with assholes. Most of the agents are doing their jobs properly.

Wray needs to resign! He is another swamp gate keeper along with AG Barr! Clean house! This is on Trump for not hiring the right people which needed to be done a long time ago!

How these assholes passed their BG checks for security clearances is a bit confounding to me to say in the least! Usually during such a process red flags appear that would have denied these degenerates the opportunity to serve in the upper echelons! The system is wrought full of corruption and desperately needs sunlight as a disinfectant!

Test them for Quaalude’s and Cocaine.

There are some I would like to have sex also.

Morals? Do moral apply to Presidents?

Quaaludes? LOL what century are you living in?

Its not the 1970s anymore.

What does the morals of Presidents have to do with corruption at the FBI? You must mean Obama because this corruption (agents sleeping with the press) was started and allowed under his watch if anything.

Black Market Quaaludes are still around