Racist Michelle Obama Wants To 'Remind White Folks' That 'You're Still Running' from Blacks and Immigrants

White Americans are running away from blacks and immigrants when they leave inner cities behind, according to former first lady Michelle Obama.

“I want to remind white folks that y’all were running from us. And you’re still running,” she said Tuesday during a speech at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. She noted that white citizens do the same with new immigrant populations that move into formerly whites-only neighborhoods and communities.

She said that when, as a child, she and other black families moved into Chicago’s South Side, “We were doing everything we were supposed to do – and better. But when we moved in, white families moved out.”

Waitaminnit, Big Mike! If you blacks are so well-behaved and prosperous, then how could whites merely leaving the area, have ever impacted your communities in any way at all, much less by “leaving them in shambles!”?

You’re obviously implying that, without whites, black neighborhoods can, will, and always do instantly go to hell, because blacks are incapable of building and maintaining even their own properties!


Oh yes not wanting to live in crime infested shitholes (that’s what the inner cities have become) is running away we need to stop voting for mainstream political parties because it’s not getting us anywhere they do not listen to the general public’s concerns

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Yeah, that’s because we can move and don’t have to deal with the shit that you and yours, fling at us!

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Do the Obamas live in a black neighborhood?


Obviously this trannie’s truth isn’t the REAL truth, but we all know that. Wonder if he thinks all the whites will leave Martha’s Vineyard when he and his little pansy bitch Hussein move in. That might be interesting… I’ve never seen a $multi-billion neighborhood ghetto before.


I don’t see black people leaving predominately white neighborhoods. I wonder why…:clown_face:


Here’s an oldie but a goodie from Fred Reed:
From an old article by Fred Reed:
Permit me a revisionist view of slavery.
I suggest that blacks ought to be grateful that their faster ancestors caught their slower ancestors – which is exactly what happened – and sold them to the slavers. American blacks would otherwise be somewhere on the Slave Coast of Africa, barefoot, illiterate, blankly ignorant, wearing loincloths, living in stick huts that would give Eeyore the willies, and shuddering with malaria. That’s what Africa is: primitive, hopeless, godawful. I’ve been in Masai hutments, spent time in the outback of Cuando Cubango. It’s not Stone Age. It’s more like Stick Age. No country in Africa today comes close, or ever has, to the culture of Fifth Century Athens, 2500 years ago.
Yes, slavery was brutal and ugly. It was, however, hard on the slaves, not on today’s blacks. Slavery brought our blacks into contact with a vastly superior civilization from which they benefit enormously, and without the slightest gratitude. Everything blacks enjoy in this country today – air-conditioning, writing, automobiles, television, medicine, welfare, medicine, everything – they enjoy only because they were brought here. Further, they have contributed almost nothing to the industrial and technological flowering that has provided the benefits they enjoy.
I begrudge them none of this. I am, however, tired of endlessly being blamed for their problems.


Michael always had a chip on his shoulder, even as Fist Lady. I remember one time when Michael was shopping in Target for a tabloid style paparazzi photo op and an old white woman asked him for help reaching something on a high shelf. Michael turned it into a whole race-baiting sideshow… declaring that the privileged white woman only asked him for help because he was black. In reality, it was because Michael is nearly 6’0 tall, barefoot.


Anyone can see that white people are dying prematurely from suicide and drugs while their family structures, mental health, and communities are being eroded, and they are losing their countries to the irrationality of progressive leftism and Islamic dogma. So as far as I’m concerned, Michelle Obama and her ilk are callous, apathetic racists, and examples of “the pot calling the kettle black”. People have the choice of where they live in a free and capitalist society, and rich white people choose not to live around poor white people who often occupy trailer parks, but nobody is crying about racism while doing nothing to improve their personal circumstances in that instance.

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How much “diversity” do the Obama’s get on Martha’s Vineyard?


The DC neighborhood they live in is 80% white.


Does Michelle know this: Top 10 Black Slaveowners - Listverse

https:// listverse.com /2017/06/06/ top - 10 - black - slaveowners I’m sure Sharpton or Farrakhan mentioned it. Wait, it appears they didn’t. How strange; but then that would be entering the realm of TRUTH.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The person who set the precedent ( IN COURT ) for lifetime slave ownership, was, himself a black man who owned slaves. Yow, that’s a tid bit our libs don’t want to see taught in history class.

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I got this new guy in the office who liked to get all black power at our happy hours. I told this guy that same thing, that institutionalized slavery in the US was started by a black guy, and he went nuts…of course he had to be careful because I was one of the first employees at the company and am now in a very senior position. Anyway, I made him look it up on the spot and he couldn’t formulate a coherent sentence the rest of the night :rofl:

His whole world got shattered by just a little bit of truth.


Nothin like pullin the rug out from under some smart ass. The truth shall set you free. Heh. Almost forgot, I want my reparations for the enslavement of my Irish ancestors. Caomhánach - Article - Irish slaves in the Caribbean

www.kavanaghfamily.com/articles/2003/20030618jfc.htm----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If Queen Elizabeth I had lived in the 20th Century. she would have been viewed with the same horror as Hitler and Stalin. Her policy of Irish genocide was pursued with such evil zest it boggles the mind of modern men. But Elizabeth was only setting the stage for the even more savage program that was to follow her, directed specifically to exterminate the Irish. James II and Charles I continued Elizabeth’s campaign, but Cromwell almost perfected it. Few people in modern so-called “civilized history” can match the horrors of Cromwell in Ireland.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So Buckwheat, get the fuck in line. I want my money, and I want it now.

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All you racist assholes who love raping kids are going to hell.

LOL! Let the butthurt flow through you.


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Another deranged pedo…stop raping kids!

So what do you think about Michelle Obama blaming white people for black neighborhoods going to shit because white people aren’t living in them?


Post pics or it didn’t happen.


You do know he was bangin’ buddies with ol’ Bill Clinton don’t you?

Keep calling people pedos and you’ll soon find yourself off this site little one.

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