Question regarding Biden’s tax plans

That’s after we take back the TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS $$$$$$$$ trumputin gave the rich and
big corporations. fuk em all!!!

if taxes go up it will be because trumputin gave TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS to the rich and the big corporations…so just call up your local rich guy and ask for it back LOL

All retrumpliCONS do is give the rich everything and throw to the rest of us…facts only

And the wealthy will decide to deal with higher taxes, change their income level, or just close the businesses and move to a more friendly tax country,

Biden’s Plan Will Raise Taxes On Americans Who Earn Less Than $400,000 A Year

August25, 2020 By Paulina Enck

Joe Biden says that taxes would not increase for those who make under $400,000 under his proposed plans. Yet the 2020 Democratic nominee for president is either mistaken or lying, because his plans would indeed guarantee a tax increase for all tax-paying Americans.

When Biden and vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris went to ABC give their first joint interview together since her selection, Biden said any American earning more than $400,000 a year would face tax increases to “pay their fair share.” David Muir pushed Biden to clarify whether if he is elected taxes would increase for those who make less than $400,000 per year, and Biden assured voters that there would be “no new taxes. There would be no need for any.”

In fact, under Biden’s proposed plans, there would in fact be a need for across the board tax increases. Analysis of Biden’s plans by the Tax Foundation, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), Tax Policy Center, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget(CRFB), and Wharton Business Schoolhave all come to the same conclusion: Biden’s plans will increase taxes across the board.

Research and modeling by Huaqun Li, Garrett Watson, and Taylor LaJoie for the Tax Foundation has determined that “After-tax income for all taxpayers shrinks by 1.7 percent, lower than the 2.5 percent decline in 2021.” Along with raising taxes across the board, they’ve determined that the economy would shrink by 1.51 percent if Biden’s plans are enacted. Further, his policies would “reduce the overall wage rate by 0.98 percent, leading to 585,000 fewer full-time equivalent jobs.”

In addition to individual taxes, corporate taxes would likewise be ultimately taken from the people Biden claims his policies are meant to protect. In the burden of corporate taxes, “20 percent falls on workers in the form of lower compensation.”

Gordon B. Mermin, Surachai Khitatrakun, Chenxi Lu, Thornton Matheson, and Jeffrey Rohaly analyzed Biden’s proposals for Tax Policy Center, determining that “In 2021, the roposals would increase taxes on average on all income groups.” They estimate that “taxpayers in the middle quintile” would see after-tax income decrease by 0.4 percent, those in the second quintile would see after-tax income reduced by 0.3 percent, and those in the lowest quintile would see after-tax income drop by 0.2 percent.

Well it looks like my earnings will have to remain off-shore for the foreseeable future. I had a plan to create1500 new jobs next year, but now that will be on hold especially if he decides to raise the corporate rate again. The country is now being run by not only a criminal enterprise but a retarded one as well.

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I’m wondering how many trillions we gave away to foreign countries since the 90’s? Not to mention the tax breaks that the corporations and big lobbyists got from Obama. Oh well, all Trumps fault to some idiots.

Bottom line is a man stood in front of everyone and said No tax increases, not some, not eventually, he said NONE!

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Actually Trumps the one that claimed to be smarter than you because he pays no taxes……:roll_eyes: